Fallen Crest High(86)

A small tingle shot threw me, but I frowned. Marissa again.

Logan gave me a knowing smirk, but headed to his own Escalade. After Nate and I got in Mason's, they tore out of there. When I called Becky, her response was to scream. She didn't say anything else, just started screaming and threw her phone aside. I could hear banging in the background, but disconnected the call soon after that. I could only imagine what she was doing. Adam's response was more reserved. He didn't respond for a moment, and then he said in a gruff voice, "I suppose I should make sure Becky gets there. We'll take my car."

After that was done and I'd put my phone away, the guys were quiet. Nate was looking at me and Mason kept glancing at me in the rear view mirror.


Mason snorted again and looked away.

Nate gave me a polite smile. "Nothing."

"What?" I asked again, but I knew they wouldn't respond. And they didn't.

Neither said a word as we drove around town. At each house they stopped at, people would come out with bags already packed. A few got in Logan's car, but soon two others drove their cars and filled them up. No one else got in Mason's and then Logan's Escalade pulled up next to ours. Each rolled down their windows.

"Go to the gas station and deal with all that stuff. I'll pick up Marissa."

Logan nodded and craned his head to meet my gaze. "Hop on over here, little sister."

"What? Why?"

The two brothers shared a look, but Logan responded, "We need you there to meet your friends. You're going to ride with them."

"Oh. Okay." And since that made perfect sense, I climbed out and got into his backseat. Two of his friends scooted over while another two jumped in the back with the bags. We took off one way and Mason went the other way.

When we got to the gas station, the sight was almost unbelievable. Twenty different cars were parked in the back lot and people were milling around.

Bags were on the ground, some were being strapped on top of other cars, and then I caught sight of Adam's car. He had parked in the far corner, away from the frenzy. When Logan parked, I hopped out, but he hollered at me, "Don't go too far."

I turned around and kept walking backwards. "You aren't actually my big brother, you know."

He flashed me blinding smile. "Not my intent, Sam, not my intent."

I frowned and opened my mouth to ask what he meant, but he was pulled away by two of his friends. The smell of booze was ripe in the air and I knew the festivities had already started. As I got to Adam's car, Becky yelled my name and I turned around. She had two plastic bags in her hands and she ran the rest of the way from the station.

When she got to me, she started to jump up and down. Her hair bounced with her. "I'm so excited for this! You can't even believe me."

I grinned at the sight.

"My giddy radar exploded at the top. I had to beg my mom to let me come.

She almost didn't, but I told her I'd do dishes for the rest of the year. I'm not sure if that was a good idea, but I don't care right now." She dropped both bags on the floor and grabbed my shoulders as she started to bounce around me. "I don't care if I look stupid. I'm so excited, so excited."

Adam's car door opened and he stood up. He was watching her with wary eyes and ran a hand through his hair. "You wouldn't be able to believe the sight I found when I went to her house. I swear the entire place had been thrown around. It looked like a hundred raccoons stormed through it."

She kept giggling and her eyes got bigger. "I don't know what I'm more excited about, the cabin, that it's a Kade party, or that we got invited and not Lydia and Jessica!"

Tijan's Books