Fallen Crest High(92)

You'd never do this for Lo—"

He shoved his face in mine and I gasped as I fell back against the wall. "This is exactly what I did for him. You want to know what that whore did?"

I couldn't look away. My eyes were wide. My back was against the wall.

Adam ceased to exist.

"I…" I couldn't breathe. He was so close.

He pressed into me and placed both hands against the wall beside me. He trapped me, but I didn't want to go anywhere. When his knee nudged between my legs and moved up, I closed my eyes and fought back a sigh. The need throbbed inside of me again.

I was starting to think that need for him would never leave. It was so powerful, so consuming.

He nuzzled against my cheek and asked quietly, his breath a caress to me,

"You want to know what she did to hurt Logan and me?"

I fell against him. I couldn't hold my head up.

I felt him smile against me, but he held me upright. He took my weight. "She screwed him. She got him to love her. For two years, Sam, she had him thinking he loved her and then she decided she wanted me."

I felt the coldness in him, even as he rested against me, and I reached out to it. I slid my hands up his arms, over his shoulders, around them, and kneaded the back of his neck. I wanted the tension gone. I was blind in it. And I was blind how he now held me in place. His hands moved to cup my bottom and my legs wrapped him. I wanted him. The need throbbed in me and I pressed against him.

I felt his reaction and grinned against his cheek.

"She came to me at home one day. I was in my room. She'd been in his and Logan was asleep. They'd screwed and she came to my room." Mason lifted me away from the wall.

I held onto him as I had the previous night. He had protected me then. He was protecting me again? Lust had confused all rational thought within me. I didn't know where we were anymore, but it didn't matter.

I slid a hand to his cheek and cupped it. I wanted him. I moved my lips so they brushed against his as he spoke.

"She wanted me. She had him and she thought I'd want her. I don't know why.

I'd never given her any reason to think that, but she thought she could have two brothers instead of one. I called him. I let her try and seduce me and I let him hear the whole thing. It didn't take as long as it seemed. I saw when the call ended. Three minutes, that was all it took. Logan came around the corner with his phone to his ear. She saw it and looked at me. I held mine up and told her he'd heard the whole thing."

A tremor wracked through me.

He kissed my ear, my cheek, my neck. He whispered to me, "She tried to come between me and my brother. That's why I hate the bitch, but he still loves her.

That's why he has a soft spot for her."

"Mason," I breathed out, holding on tight. I grabbed his face and held him still.

I pulled back and met his gaze.

They were cloudy with desire, much like my own. Satisfaction surged through me. I affected him the same as how he affected me. It went both ways.

And then he killed the moment when he turned to the side. A ruthless emotion came through, thick and heavy, when he clipped out, "Have you been watching? This is why I'll never do what you have to do. I have her. I won't have to dream about her."

Everything stopped in me. A cold shower went over me and I was sputtering in the harsh reality.


Adam stormed off.

We were alone.

Mason slowly lowered me so I could stand on my own and he stepped back. He watched me as if I were an animal, waiting to attack. He was ready.

Tijan's Books