Fall From Grace(6)

Stretched in front of us, the crowd seemed to double.  Girls sat on top of their date’s shoulders. People danced on top of tables and a long line of scantily clad females were writhing against each other on the bar, vying for the band’s attention.

Lea and I looked at each other and fell into each other laughing.  “Come on, Grace, let’s take our shirts and bras off and show these girls how it’s done!”

I shook my head and laughed even harder, “Girl, you take your bra off over here, and those puppies of yours will knock your friends off the stage!”

She smiled with pride, “Hey, you’re just as boobilicious as me!  Come to the bathroom with me. The room is spinning and I don’t wanna ask Conner to carry me in!”

Boobilicious?  I nodded my head and helped her down.  We passed Conner and all his friends, who were sitting around a table at the edge of the crowd. He waved me over and handed me two icy cold frozen margaritas.  Lea stumbled ahead of me through the crowds, wobbling through a hallway towards what I guessed were the bathrooms.

I tried to follow her, inching my way through the crowd, and carefully holding on to the two drinks.  Of course, I lost sight of her and was stranded in the middle of a crowd of hot, sweaty dancing strangers.  Great.

Before I knew where I was, I heard a loud commotion in the crowd behind me.  A fight had broken out among a group of extremely drunk guys.  I continued to move forward in the direction I thought Lea had drunkenly walked.  She had to be even drunker than I thought to have lost me and not realized it.

As the brawl got more out of control, I found myself smack in front of the stage.  A smaller blonde haired girl and I found ourselves trapped between the stage and the fight, when an elbow from one of the guys rammed into her and she bounced off me, causing both of the ice cold drinks to spill down the front of my very white tee shirt.

The crowd was chanting and screaming at the brawlers, but all I could look at was the icy cold fabric clinging to my skin.  Of course, there was the fact that I had a lacy red bra on which now could be seen through my now very wet tee shirt.  I threw the empty plastic cups down to the floor.  “Crap! Son of a...”

Black leather motorcycle boots jumped from somewhere above me and landed at my feet.  Startled, I stepped back.  The lead singer, Shane, had jumped off the stage and was now staring down at me with a flirty smile on his face.  “Wow,” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, backed up another step, only to be shoved from the fight that was going on behind me, right into his arms.  I pushed off him as if I landed on fire.  His eyes were ice cold blue.

He pulled me away from the group of guys who were wrestling with the bouncer now.  I covered my wet shirt with my arms, feeling completely naked.

One of the other guys from the band, the drummer, jumped off the stage next.  “Come on, Shane!”  He grabbed Shane by the shoulder and pulled him towards the fight.

“Yeah, one sec, bro,” he answered his friend, but never took his eyes off of mine.  He grabbed his tee shirt from his waist and pulled it over his head.  He was all smooth muscle, as if he was painstakingly chiseled from marble.  Oh my, I hope I’m not drooling.

He shoved his shirt into my hands and smiled a wicked smile.  “Sorry your drinks spilled...but not really.”  Then he winked and dove into the fight behind me to help the bouncer and he disappeared into a crowd of flying fists and legs.

As everyone around us continued to cheer on the fight, I headed for what I hoped was the bathroom and found Lea on the floor of a stall hugging a toilet. When she heard the door close, she lifted her head and gave me a half smile of embarrassment.  “Gracie.  I’ve been chemically inconvenienced and I don’t think I can ever leave this toilet.  Take a picture of this so I remember never to do it again.”

Christine Zolendz's Books