Erasing Faith(99)

The apple exploded in a flurry of red pulp, dropping to the ground like moist confetti.

I turned to Wes, planted one hand on my hip, and grinned. “How’dya like them apples?”

With his arms crossed over his chest and his face carefully blank, I could tell he was trying not to look too impressed. My satisfaction grew.

“See?” I said, sidling closer to him. “I can take care of myself.”

His dark grin was the last thing I saw, because an instant later I was spinning. I’m not sure how he did it but, before I could even react, I’d been hauled against him with my back to his chest, the gun had been removed from my grip, and I was in what could only be considered a headlock. He executed the move with the ease and familiarity of a professional, the sheer skill and speed he used a testament to the lifestyle he lived.

I thought back to a few days ago, when I’d held him off at gunpoint, thinking I was the one in control, and was hit with the sudden realization that my authority had been nothing more than an illusion. An indulgence, on his part. He could’ve disarmed me at any point that day before I managed to fire a single round. Hell, he wouldn’t have even broken a sweat.

His mouth touched my ear and a chill raced up my spine — the good kind.

“Really, Red, you should be more careful. You were so busy bragging about your skills, you didn’t even see me coming,” he whispered. His arm squeezed a little tighter, putting a tiny amount of pressure on my windpipe. Not enough to hurt me — just enough to let me know he could.

“You are so annoying,” I gritted out between tightly clenched teeth.

“Thanks, baby, that’s so sw—”

His teasing words turned into an oof of surprise as I slid one leg between his, hooked a foot around his left ankle, and pulled forward with every ounce of strength I possessed. With the element of surprise on my side, as well as a swift elbow to his jugular, I managed to send him tripping backwards, slipping out of his loosened chokehold as he fell to the ground.

It probably only worked because I’d caught him off guard, but I couldn’t stop the triumphant grin from spreading across my cheeks when I turned and saw him sprawled on his ass in the dirt.

“Now… who exactly were you calling baby, baby?” I gloated, leaning over him with my hands planted on my knees.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Okay, so maybe I underestimated you,” he conceded. “A little.”

I snorted. “I’m pretty sure you did a lot more than— hey!”

The shriek of protest escaped my mouth just as I felt my legs swept out from under me. I would’ve fallen flat on my face, had Wes not rolled beneath me at the last moment. I landed on his chest with a thud that made both of us grunt in pain, but seconds later we were laughing too hard to care much about being out of breath.

He spun so my back was pressed against the earth and before I knew it, I was even dustier than he was. Hovering over me, his eyes were warmer than the afternoon sunshine.

“You’re full of surprises,” he said, bending to kiss my nose lightly.

“I took three years of krav maga lessons.” I grinned. “Knocking you on your ass just now was the payoff for all those gym membership bills.”

“Oh, really?” His nose skimmed my jawline and I tried not to shiver. “Well, I think you should definitely show me some of your moves.” He kissed the hollow beneath my ear and his voice dropped to a whisper. “…preferably when we’re in bed…” Another kiss landed on my throat. “…naked.”

Then, his lips were on mine again and I forgot about the fact that we were covered in dirt and that there were two loaded firearms lying in the grass less than five feet away. His hands threaded into my hair, mine slipped beneath the back of his t-shirt, and I was officially lost once more.


Wes’ hands glided across my wet skin, his strong fingers massaging me into a state of such relaxation I feared my limbs would turn permanently to Jell-O. I floated weightlessly, sighing in complete contentment as I leaned back against his slippery chest. My tired eyes were unfocused, watching lazily as buttery light from the fireplace gleamed off the copper and illuminated our skin.

We’d been in the tub for hours.

The water had long since chilled, but the press of his body against mine lent warmth enough. I couldn’t bring myself to climb out and end the perfection of this moment — skin to skin with the man I loved.

Turning in his arms, I wrapped my hands loosely around his neck and smiled sleepily.

“What?” he whispered, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my damp forehead.

“Just happy,” I whispered back, dropping my head onto his shoulder. “Aren’t you?”

He cleared his throat. “I never thought it was possible to be this happy.”

“Good answer,” I murmured. My lips curved into a smile as my eyes slipped closed.

A few moments later, I felt my body shifting in the water as Wes rearranged his arms around me. I lost my breath when he stood to lift me from the tub, my already chilled skin hitting the cool cabin air and snapping me back into full consciousness.

My grumbles of complaint lasted barely a minute — before I could whine too much about the cold, Wes was sliding beneath the quilt with my body cradled tightly against his. He pulled the blankets over our tangled limbs and heat immediately began to sink back into my bones.

Julie Johnson's Books