End of Story(21)

“Because of the divorce?”

“Because of everything.”

“Is that what you need?” he asked with a frown. “Labels?”

“I guess it is. As cute as confused looks on me, I can’t say I enjoy it.”

“Okay.” He took a sip of water and stared off out the window for a moment. “Give me a minute.”

I sat quietly and waited for him to speak.

“In all honesty, I didn’t miss you when you two broke up. You crossed my mind now and then, but it didn’t really bother me that you weren’t around. It would bother me now, though. We’ve been getting to know each other separate from that situation and it’s different.” He turned back to me. “Does that answer your question, Susie?”

“It does. Maybe Aristotle just needed another category or something. Thank you.”

He held out his drink. “Friends?”

I tapped my glass against his with a smile. “Friends.”

The best way to get over awkward feelings for a friend is to hit the town. Everyone knows that. Which was how I came to be sitting opposite Cleo on a Thursday night in a tiki garden bar near the water listening to a woman sing and play acoustic guitar. And she was damn good. Another reason to love Seattle. The music scene in this town was mighty.

“I’m thinking about upgrading to the new Canon EOS. Also, Josh wants me to meet his parents,” she said, taking a sip of her frozen alcoholic slushy. “Sunday dinner with the family.”

I finished eating my dumpling before answering. “You work damn hard and deserve a shiny new camera. And by the tone of your voice I’m guessing this invitation does not make you happy.”

“You guessed right.” Cleo frowned. “It’s too soon.”

I opened my mouth and then shut it. Because I’m smart like that.

“I know I’ve been seeing him for almost a year, but...”

I nodded. “Do you think this is about him or your past bad experiences or both?”

“I don’t know.” She wrapped a braid around her finger and tugged on it. “He’s a great guy, but...”


“Insert segue here. Someone’s watching you from over by the bar,” she reported, perking up. “Casual business attire with a beard. Designer watch and nice shoes. I would rate him as being not only attractive but showing visible means of being able to financially support himself.”

“Is he groomed or hirsute?”

“The facial hair is under control.”

“Probably has mommy issues.”

“Don’t they all?” she asked drily.

I took a peek over my shoulder. “Eh. Not feeling it.”

“Neither of us want what we can have.” Cleo popped a roasted corn nut into her mouth. “Why is that?”

“Either we have exacting standards or we’re difficult bitches. I can never quite decide.”

“In all honesty, they both sound about right.” She smiled. “The weather’s not looking good for the Friday shoot. Postpone or move?”

“Postpone,” I said. “We can’t shoot the coffee vans inside. The message is all about great caffeine and personalized service while you’re out enjoying the big wide world.”

“I’ll see what my calendar’s like for the next few weeks and get back to you,” said Cleo. “Did you get a sample box of eco-friendly sex toys?”


“It’ll be on its way. I name dropped you to a new client.”

“Thank you. That sounds fun.” I smiled. “Speaking of which, I need you to read this monster porn Romance novel so I can discuss it with you. It’s very important.”

Her brows rose.

“Trust me. You want to read it.”


I grinned.

Which was when it happened. Amie walked into the bar with another man. And his arm was wrapped so tightly around her, it was like they were trying to meld.

“Holy shit,” I mumbled.


Amie’s gaze met mine, paused for a moment, then she quickly looked away. She was going to pretend she hadn’t seen me. Might be for the best. Less awkward than exchanging greetings. Then she sneaked another look at me over her shoulder and was most definitely not wearing her happy face. Awesome.

I nodded oh so discreetly toward the couple now standing at the bar. “She was with Lars at his birthday last weekend. Introduced herself to me as his girlfriend.”

“She’s wearing the wide-leg one-shoulder jumpsuit I wanted,” said Cleo, turning to look. “But they’d sold out of my size.”

“It would look better on you. Beige people shouldn’t wear beige. It’s about the only useful thing my mother taught me. That and to always carry breath mints.” I took a long sip of slushy. “Do I tell Lars about this?”


“Really? Ugh. What do I tell him?”

“The truth.”

I frowned. “Maybe they’re not exclusive.”

“Maybe. Or maybe not. Either way, as his friend you have to tell him.”

So my nod was a little hesitant.

“What would Aunt Susan tell you to do?”

Kylie Scott's Books