End of Story(17)
“Great. Be good.” Lars ambled back to his end of the table.
After dinner, we moved to a rooftop bar a couple of blocks away. It was a perfect night, with a cool breeze coming in off the ocean and the stars burning bright above us. I took a shot of the view for social media. And all the while, Tore stuck to my side. But it didn’t feel like a sexual-attraction thing. Just more of that initial curiosity.
“I don’t understand how you fit into my brother’s life,” said Tore, out of nowhere.
“Well... I’m his friend, I guess.”
“That’s the thing I don’t understand. Lars has had plenty of girlfriends. But not girls who are friends.”
“They all dude bros, huh?”
“Then this is a growth thing for him.”
“I’m not sure my brother believes in growth. Pretty sure he emerged from our mother’s womb fully formed and ready to work hard and succeed,” said Tore. “He tends to be set in his ways and ideas. How everyone fits into his life.”
“And I don’t fit into his life?”
Tore just shrugged.
“I don’t know what to say to that. What does he want for his birthday?” I asked, watching Lars talk to Amie.
They looked good together. Though Lars had a more laidback style in his black jeans and pale blue polo. Both of them were attractive. I had to work at being alluring, but Lars just breathed and it happened. So annoying. Same went for how he seemed to live rent free in my brain these days.
He caught my gaze for a moment. Such an odd expression on his face. I couldn’t read the man for love or money. Then he turned back to his date. Even at his ease among friends he didn’t seem to smile much. Whoever did wind up marrying him would have a job on their hands. The man was so serious. Which was just another sign that the divorce certificate was a fake somehow. I wanted someone with a sense of humor. Lars and I together would be a disaster. Though he had laughed with me the other day on the step...
Tore shrugged. “Just buy him a drink.”
“Will do.”
His phone chimed and he pulled it out of his pocket and scowled at the screen. Then he sent off a quick text.
“Everything okay?”
“Yep,” he said, studying the tiled floor for a moment. “So Lars was telling me about the place you inherited. Said you might be thinking of selling.”
“I haven’t decided,” I said. Though the thought of letting the house go soured my stomach.
“Let me know if you decide to head in that direction. Lars and I are looking at buying another investment property.”
“Sure. Be back in a minute,” I said before heading for the restroom.
Music pumped out of the speakers as I checked my phone and answered a text from Cleo about how the night was going, and saw to business. When I came out to wash my hands, Amie was at the mirror reapplying her lipstick.
“Hey,” I said.
She smiled. “We haven’t really gotten a chance to talk. Lars mentioned he’d been working on your house.”
“Yes, he has been. He’s doing great work.”
“But you used to date his friend?”
“That’s right. I like to think of it as ancient history, but it actually only ended about six months back.”
“Well, it’s great you could come tonight. Lars is kind of a closed book so meeting his friends is a nice way to learn more about him.”
“I can see that,” I agreed.
She smiled again and retrieved mascara from her purse, moving on to the next stage of her touch-up.
“Later,” I said, heading for the door.
After taking approximately eight steps outside, Lars grabbed my elbow and tugged me behind a potted palm. Which was weird.
“Did you see Amie in there?” he asked. “You didn’t tell her anything about the divorce certificate, did you?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” I said. “It’s not really something I want to explain to people. Which I’ve already had to do once tonight with your brother, by the way. The fewer people who know the better.”
“Exactly,” he said, then narrowed his gaze on me.
“Whatever,” I said. “I’m getting a drink, do you want one?”
“I’m good for now.” He smiled. “Thanks.”
When I returned from the bar, Tore once again had his cell in hand and was scowling at it. I didn’t bother asking why. Tonight seemed to have taken a turn. People were acting strange. Maybe it was the full moon or something.
One thing tonight had taught me, was that I definitely did not miss dating. I was happy on my own. I could do what I wanted and talk to whoever I wanted without worrying about anyone else. Free and easy was the way.
“Holy shit,” Lars said suddenly, all excited. “What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t miss your birthday,” answered a smooth male voice.
Oh no. I knew that voice. I hated that voice.
And sure enough, there he stood...the Ex. His dark hair was slicked back just so, his white shirt and black slacks were pressed to perfection, and his loafers shone. Such handsome packaging. It was a shame about the contents. At his side was a redhead who surely just stepped off the runway. Even Amie, in her awesome designer wear, couldn’t compare.