End of Story(18)
This sucked. However, it was also sort of useful. I now knew without a doubt that I didn’t miss him, didn’t want him, and my heart no longer hurt because of him. I’d wasted a year of my life trying to please him. Being a lesser version of myself on the off chance it might make him happy. But now I was free. The spell had been broken. And I’d sure as hell learned my lesson.
“Susie,” said Tore. “Why don’t we go get another drink?”
My shoulders were high enough to touch my ears. Like I was in hiding. “I just got one.”
“This is a hell of a surprise,” said Lars. “It’s good to see you, man. I thought you were in London.”
“It didn’t quite work out. I’m back home for now. Let’s talk about it later.” The Ex stuck out his hand. “You must be Amie. Lars told me all about you. Pleasure to meet you.”
Amie gave him a pretty smile.
The Ex’s beady little eyes took in the group. It was like the world slowed down as the inevitable happened. His head turned and, at long last, he saw me. The way he scrunched up his nose as if he’d stepped in dog shit was a singular delight. But it was there and gone in an instant, his good-guy persona back in place. “Susie? What are you doing here?”
I forced my shoulders back down where they belonged. Because fuck him anyway. There was a lot to the old saying that you get what you settle for. And I was done settling for anything less than I deserved. “Hello, Aaron.”
“She’s here because I invited her,” said Lars.
“We were just going to get a drink.” Tore placed a light hand at the small of my back.
“Hang on,” Aaron said with a fake ass smile. “Are you two together?”
Before Tore could answer, I said, “You haven’t introduced your date. You know, the woman standing next to you. That’s sort of rude.”
A muscle popped in his perfect jawline. “This is Hannah. My fiancée.”
“Fiancée. Wow.”
“There’s no need to make another scene,” muttered Aaron.
Tore opened his mouth to say something, but I got there first. “Oh, I’m not.”
“You are. You can’t help it. It’s always got to be about you.”
I shook my head. “The lack of self-awareness in that statement.”
“Hey,” said Lars, being all conciliatory. “Let’s just—”
“What are you even doing here?” asked Aaron. “Really? Is this some twisted sort of revenge or what? God knows I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“Go fuck yourself,” I said with a smile.
And the way he flinched. “Real nice language, Susie.”
I turned to the birthday boy. “Thank you for inviting me, Lars, but I’m going to go now.”
He just nodded.
There’s a special kind of person who treats the people they’ve slept with like trash. As if having been intimate and vulnerable with them is demeaning. They’re the sort who sees a female’s righteous anger and labels her the mad woman. Though Aaron was a jerk throughout our relationship too. He was just more subtle about it. Making the kind of comments that seem helpful on the surface, but are really pure fuckery.
I quickly got my ass out of there. Because life is too short for that sort of thing, and playing the woman scorned didn’t suit me. I had better things to do with my time. I blinked a couple of times to get rid of any unfortunate moisture. Most likely caused by hormones or something. Smoke in the air. I don’t know. Should have just stayed home. This whole need for human connection was such a bummer. Given half a chance, I really think I would have made an awesome hermit.
I’d just stepped into the elevator when Tore joined me.
“You heading home?” he asked. “I’ll wait for your car with you.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“Yeah, it is.” He said nothing for a minute. “I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“I knew he was coming and I didn’t warn you,” he explained. “It was supposed to be a surprise for Lars. That’s why I didn’t say anything. I knew you two had broken up, but I had no idea—”
“How messy it was?” I sighed. “I probably should have just left when I saw him.”
“He’s always been an entitled prick.”
“Wait. You don’t like him?” I asked, delighted.
“Not even a little.”
I grinned. “That makes me feel so much better.”
Tore laughed. Then he sighed. “All we can hope is that Lars wakes up one day and sees the asshole for what he is. But the denial is strong.”
“They’ve been friends a long time.”
I smiled up at him. “Thanks for checking on me, Tore. You’re just like Prince Charming, but taller.”
“Thanks,” he said drily. “Of course, it should have been my brother.”
“It’s his party and he has a date to look after, and a bestie to catch up with. I’m fine.” And it was the truth, I was fine. The reasons for Lars not running after me were likewise valid. At least, the rational part of my brain thought so. Feelings, on the other hand. Ugh.