EMBRACE YOU Lone(liness Book Two)(32)

"That day, ideally. Depending on flight availability, we'd probably hole up in a hotel somewhere and then go to the airport," Marcus says.

At home, I make a meal from some of our favorite comfort foods. Because our immediate future is so uncertain, I am feeling the need for something familiar and comforting. Marcus gives Lizzie her bath and we both put her to bed. Downstairs, I am cuddling with Marcus on the couch, just staring into the flames in the fireplace. Soon, we are making out and our hands are roaming over each other.

"Got to have you now, Johanna! I want it hard and fast. I want to forget all that's happened," Marcus says in a low, grating voice.

"Take me, luv! I want you just as much. Against the wall - now!" my voice is oddly low and breathless.

Mere seconds later, we are leaning against the living room wall, yanking all our clothing off. This will be no tender coupling. Our wanting for each other is so sharp and intense that we want it to happen now. As we bare more and more of our skin, our hands rove and tweak at sensitive areas. I am so wet and ready. We work feverishly to ratchet the desire even higher.

Marcus lifts me as I wrap my legs around his trim waist. His fingers play with my * and clit bringing me to a climax quickly.

I moan softly and allow my fingers to rove over his sensitive nipples and that special spot just behind one ear. As I lick the area under his ear, I feel his fingers moving jerkily against my *. Hot liquid slides out of my * as I come hard, once again.

"Oh, now, Marcus! I'm coming!"

With that, Marcus lowers me and impales me on his stiff, upright shaft. His torso holds me against the wall and we move urgently against each other, reaching for our orgasms. He begins breathing hard, the air hissing out from between his clenched teeth. His cock throbs and jerks inside me as he comes.

I begin to spurt against his pelvis as my * clenches hard around his cock. I throw my head back and moan low in my head. The intensity of my orgasm makes me want to wail, but I don't want to wake Lizzie.

When our frantic lovemaking is over, we lay back down. My legs are trembling with weakness - I suspect that Marcus's legs are trembling just as badly. I feel waves of sleepiness overtake me.

"So...sleepy," I tell him.

We gather our discarded clothing and walk upstairs, our arms wrapped around each other. In bed, I relax under the covers and seek Marcus's warmth...

Chapter 9

On Monday, we finally have a practice. However, before practice begins, we sit down to talk about the pending sentencing hearing and how this could affect our band.

"How many of you are ready to leave if the news is bad?" Tim asks.

Everyone's hands go up - even Lizzie's plump hand goes up.

"Good show. Okay, this is what we'll do. Have the equipment and instruments packed and ready to go on Tuesday night, just in case. We should all have our plane tickets by now, so, just in case, we can get to the airport and be ready to go through security screening and customs. I spoke to Nigel and told him what's happening and, while he's not happy that we may need to flee England, he supports our decisions. Initially, we would work with him from the U. S., but eventually, he and our business manager would join us over there.

"Now, how is everyone feeling after battling the flu?"

"Good, just coughing," says Laslow.

"I'm coughing less, but still feel the need for the nebulizer," I say.

"Progress on all sides. We have water on the side table for anyone who needs it. Drink away and don't hold back. It's better for our vocal cords."

We began practicing, moving through several songs and two play sets when Nigel rings the outer bell.

"Hello, all! Are you all ready to start on tour?"

We all cheer and nod. "Yes! We are!"

"I just got word earlier today that we will be flying out of Heathrow on Thursday afternoon - I know, that conflicts with your plans to fly out of the country pending the magistrate's decision. My thinking is that, with heightened security, you lot would be save in any European city on our tour. I am in the process of arranging for a British security company to accompany us as we go from city to city. They would man the main doors of hotels, as well as near your rooms. I also want them to man entrances to auditoriums, as well as entryways to the backstage area. I am planning to make photos of both women available to every security person so that, in the event that they try to crash any of our concerts or get into hotels, they can recognize them more quickly and call law enforcement," Nigel says.

"Nigel, how certain is it that a security firm would be able to forestall any attempts that either woman could make?" asks Marcus.

"Very high probability, Marcus. I have been speaking with the owners of several British security firms and have requested to see every officer's credentials before I hire a firm. Everyone in this band is very important to me, and, knowing that crazies are out there, willing to harm you lot is highly upsetting to me. I have been working on identifying the strongest security firm so that every officer is ready and able to leave on tour Thursday. I have been speaking to the managers of hotels in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Luxembourg, and every country in which we are scheduled to perform. Every one of them has heard of the kidnapping and trials. They have assured me that security officers are welcome to provide protection. Remember, these security officers won't be protecting just us. They will be providing protection to every hotel guest there, just by their very presence."