EMBRACE YOU Lone(liness Book Two)(31)

Marcus calls Tim, Laslow and Linny. Within an hour, they are all here at the house and we're talking about the nightmare scenario that Marcus had.

"God! I hate to say this Jo, but it's a good thing he had that daydream," Laslow says.

"It's pretty short notice, but if need be, we can leave the country and go...you said New York, Marcus? We can go there with the bare basics and have everything else shipped. We all have families, so we'd need to take the kids out of school and enroll them in school over there...let's make some contingency plans, for just in case. I hope we won't need them, but, we'll have them, in the event the worst happens," Tim points out.

"Yes, New York. The city is full of the facilities the band need. We can be pretty damned anonymous in such a large place. We can find houses or an apartment complex with flats to let. I'm also thinking that we'd need to have fake names so that, if Cara and Melanie try to find us, it'd be even harder. Now, Jo and I would need to get an emergency passport for Lizzie pretty damned fast. I'll ring up the Home Office and find out about getting a passport for her. You lot should have passports for your kids as well," Marcus points out.

Twenty minutes later, we learn that everything is set, save Lizzie's passport. We gather all the required documentation and plan to visit the Home Office' Passport processing centre the next day. From there, everyone goes home and they begin packing and getting all of their paperwork together - we will literally be able to leave minutes after the sentencing hearings, if Melanie and Cara do not get prison time.

I force myself to focus on my vocal exercises - this is the only way I can keep from going crazy while we wait for the hearings on Wednesday next. That weekend, Marcus and I decide to go visit our families and let them know what we are planning. We start with his family, since his mother tends to be a very nervous, emotional person.

"Mum, dad, the sentencing hearings are on Wednesday next. Johanna and I are going, but we would appreciate it if you would stay away, because it could get...intense. Also, we came to the realization that they could get off nearly scot-free, except for any requirements for mental health treatment.

"Dad, we...I am afraid that, if they get off, both women could prove to be a threat to the safety and well-being of all three of us. Therefore, we are making plans to leave the U.K., just in case. It may not happen, mum...it may not happen, but we have to be ready just in case it does. We would fly to the U.S. and settle in a large city where Johanna and the band can find and use music facilities for their practices. We're thinking a large U.S. city, like New York City, so we can be more anonymous, and speaking of that - we're going to use false names over there - if we have to leave here."

Marcus's mum begins to sob and moan.

"Mum, this is for the safety of all of us. A crazy woman is fixated on me, and is threatening Lizzie and Johanna. I can't just sit by and watch it happen," says Marcus firmly.

This message apparently soaks in. My mum-in-law appears to get a grip on her emotions. Swabbing at the tears sliding down her cheeks, she inhales and slowly exhales.

"I know, Marc. It's just that I'll miss the three of you."

"Mum, we're only a flight away. If we even have to go. We don't know what the magistrate will decide. He may decide to throw them in prison and throw away the key. We just don't know. That's why we decided to make these plans. If we have to go, we'll go on the European tour, leaving from and returning to the U.S. Mum. You and dad raised me to be a strong man who takes care of his family. That's what I'm doing. Okay?" He tenderly embraces his mother, who returns the embrace.

"I know. I'll be okay. I'll just need to cry behind the door and I'll be adjusted to it. Just you see."

From there, we drive to my parents' house. As at my in-laws house, Lizzie settles down to play while the grown-ups talk.

"Dad, mum, the sentencing hearing is next week. We don't know what the magistrate is going to decide. What we do know is that both Cara and Melanie are dangerous to all three of us," Marcus begins. "That said, Jo, the band and I sat and talked earlier today. Should the magistrate decide that he's going to let them off scot-free, the danger level goes right back up. And that's why we've decided..."

"That it's time for you to put several thousand miles in between you and those crazy...nuts," my dad interjects.

I look at him in surprise.

"I've been having the same fears, Johanna-girl. You and Marcus are right. If you must, pack up and fly where you're safer. Where would that be, by the way?" my dad asks us.

"The U.S., in a large city. Somewhere like New York city. We can become anonymous, use fake names and essentially vanish," Marcus says. "The band will join us as well. We can practice, work, record and plan tours from there just as easily as we can here."

"What about your managers?" my mum asks. As she speaks, she swoops Lizzie up into her arms and on her lap for a grannie-cuddle.

"When we get home, I'll call them," I say. "We just wanted to talk to you and Marcus' parents first. We're going to pack and hope that we can come home, feeling right foolish and unpack everything again."

We all laugh at what I say - the ironic thing is, we would love to feel stupid. But that all depends on the magistrate's decision.

"When would you leave?" dad asks.