EMBRACE YOU Lone(liness Book Two)(29)

That gets my attention.

"You know, that's not a bad idea. Thankfully, she lives only a short distance away, so she could get here quickly. I don't want Lizzie anywhere near those loons. I'll call her."

After I give Lizzie her lunch, I retreat to a corner of the dining room and call mum.

"Mum, how are you and dad feeling?"

"Better, thanks. He's back to normal, although I'm making him stay at home until Monday. What about you lot? How's my Lizzie-girl?"

"We're all much better. Lizzie and I are still coughing like mad, though, and I'm still using that nebulizer. We'll begin practicing again next week, bar any more emergencies...I have a request. Marcus and I were just talking about, you know...two certain people who've had such an effect on our lives. We're still waiting to hear on their sentencing hearings. We probably won't hear anything until the day the magistrate makes his decision, I don't know. Would you be able to come to the house and mind her for us? We'd like to be there so we know what sentences they get, if anything. And we don't want her in the court room."

"Yes, I'll be there. Definitely. And, from what I know of the justice system, the magistrate will set a date ahead of time. Look for a notice to come in the post. Once you get it, give me a ring and we'll set it up," mum says.

"Oh! That's so much better than I expected! Thank you, mum! I will." We ring off and Lizzie finishes her lunch. After cleaning her up, I change her nappy and put her down for her afternoon nap. Once she's down, I bundle up and go check our post. Sure enough, there's a letter from the magistrate's office, giving us the dates for the sentencing hearings for Melanie and Cara.

"Marcus! We have the sentencing hearing date! Both of them will be sentenced on...on Wednesday next," I tell him as I check the calendar.

"Lovely! What time?"

"Melanie's hearing is at nine and Cara's at ten-thirty. I wonder why the long time span in between? Isn't it just a matter of the magistrate telling them how long they'll be behind bars? Or..."

"He may have another hearing already scheduled for in between, I'm thinking."

"Yes, that makes sense. Well, now we start praying even harder than we've been before," I tell him. I call mum and set up the arrangements with her.

"Right after your dad goes to work, I'll go over. Will Lizzie need a bath or anything?"

"No, just play with her and feed her. Change her nappy as needed. And, please, pray! If they are released, we're talking about moving away from the U.K. They've both made it clear that they don't see their actions as harmful and I wouldn't feel safe," I tell mum.

"Oh, Lord, that makes me hope even more that they're sentenced! Scum they are, for making you feel as if you need to leave your home! Scum, I say!" Mum is really upset, but then, so am I. "I'll be there good and early so you and Marcus have time to find parking and a seat inside the court house."

"Thank you, mum. And...I love you," I tell her.

As I drink water and practice, I try to think positively. They will be sentenced. It's in the record that Cara came after Marcus, Lizzie and me more than once. She has a clear mental health problem. The same is true of Melanie. Just keep thinking positive and pray, girl! Come Wednesday next, we'll know for sure.

When I go into Marcus' office, I find him staring out the window, lost in thought.

"Hey, earth to Marcus! Hello! Why the 'lost in space' look?" I ask him.

"Oh, I'm just imagining a Cara- and Melanie-free world, with those two locked up for many, many years. I can't allow myself to think of the alternative..."

"Hush, luv. We have to think positive." It's odd...Marcus has been a pillar of strength for me through this whole nightmare, yet now, I feel as if I am holding him up! Well, when I think about it, he's supported me emotionally and physically so many times since this all started. That he feels the need to feel a little weak and unsure of himself is natural. I walk over to him and hug him strongly from behind.

He puts his hands over mine, then tugs me around so I sit on his lap. We're both lost in thought.

We are sitting in the magistrate's court room, waiting for Melanie's hearing to start. The press are here in droves. I find myself trying hard to ignore them and their overtures. As the magistrate comes in, my level of alertness goes even higher - I am hyper-focused on the magistrate and Melanie Stabb.

"Miss Stabb, will you please stand?"

Melanie rises shakily. She's skinnier than ever!

"Miss Stabb, notwithstanding your mental health condition, you decided to help another person plan and carry out an illegal act. When questioned on the stand, you expressed no sorrow for your actions. That leads me to believe that, if you find another opportunity, you will act in a similar way in future. For these reasons, and because attempted kidnapping is a crime in Great Britain, I am sentencing you to life in prison with no possibility of an early release. This means you will not be allowed to petition for parole."

Melanie and the court room erupt in loud noise. Now, I am grateful I kept Lizzie at home with mum!

"NO! NO! I have a mental illness! I cannot be sentenced behind bars! You f*ckin' bitch! I'll get out and I'll get you!" Before she is restrained and pulled out of the court room, she howls her anger and hatred at the magistrate and me.