Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(39)

“Why?” Jack looked around the room, embarrassment on her face. “The White House was barely there back then. What did he hope to gain?”

“Money? Fame? Who knows with a man such as him. But I did fix him. And now he feels that he has a way to override my magic.”

Dylan looked around the room. No one was speaking, but he would bet a lot was being said. He glanced at his brother, then at Jack. She looked the most confused of all. But Jacob looked…well, he was going to say happy, but delighted came to mind, too.

“You say he wants to override your magic.” Jacob nodded at Jack’s question. “Then that’s between the two of you, it seems. I mean, I’ll help you because I’d be dead if you hadn’t been there for me, but I seriously don’t have a clue what this has to do with us.”

He laughed. “You are very clever, you are. It has to do with you because you have the key to his downfall. Not any magic, though it is possible you have a bit. But it’s what you have in your heart. It’s pure, did you know that? Few humans…well, few of any species…have a pure heart, but you possess one. As does your mate.”

“I don’t think I’m going to offer up my heart to this ass, but thanks anyway.” He laughed at her again, and Jack bristled. “You could help me understand a lot more if you did a great deal less laughing and more telling. And I’m not stupid.”

“Nay, you are not. You are very…what is the word? Ah yes, street smart. That is his downfall. When you face him, and you shall, you’ll need all of that.” Jacob looked around the room. “All the people in this room, this building even, could face the vampire and maybe outwit him, but you will be the one who will destroy him. And he must be destroyed, no matter the outcome of the man he wishes to manipulate.”

“What did you do?” Dylan hadn’t realized he’d spoke out loud until everyone turned to him. “You said you made it so he couldn’t go into the White House. What did you do?”

“I spread a bit of myself around the bricks and mortar so that it would hold. Then when they’ve done renovations, I came again. It is a grand place, is it not? All those lovely rooms and the president; this man is a great deal like you.” He looked at Marshall and nodded. “Yes, I do suppose you do know that. But I have misplaced myself. A bit of my magic and my blood around the rooms to safeguard them and the people it is there to protect. But I can’t keep humans out. If this man Small returns to the building and does as Lucius wishes, all will be lost.”

“So why not just make sure that Small doesn’t enter?” Khan asked. Jacob shook his head. “Because…because he’ll simply find another sap.”

“Correct. Now you see what must be done.” He stood up. “I will leave you now. You have much to—”

“Hold on there, buddy,” Jack said. “I don’t see anything. You come in here spouting magic and blood. You tell me I have a pure heart, then leave? No. That’s not the way it goes.” Jack stared at him. “You want something from me. I want something in return.”

“And what would that be?” His voice had hardened. Jacob folded his arms over his chest and glared at her.

“You keep them safe. The Bowens, you keep them all safe no matter what happens with Lucius. You have to promise me that or I don’t do it. I can’t do it.” Dylan started to speak, but Jacob raised his hand to him, and he was unable to move.

“All Bowens? You wish all of them safe?” Jacob asked. She nodded. “Then we have a deal. I shall keep them safe. You’ll help me, then?”

“Yes.” She put out her hand, and he took it to pull her to him. Dylan was set free, and he moved to the man. Jacob let her go before he told him to. Then he pulled him to his body for a hug, as well.

“You’ll marry her today,” drifted through his mind. “Marry her, and she becomes one of you. I cannot protect her without it.”


Jack was nearly at a run to keep up with Dylan. She had no idea where they were going, but he was in an all fired hurry to get there. She finally jerked on his hand and made him stop. This was stupid.

“You make me run to your brother’s house to borrow a dress you made me put on and shoes that are pinching the crap out of my toes. Then you leave the place like it’s on fire, and now we’re running like we’re being chased across town. What the f*ck is wrong with you?” She leaned against him to pull off her shoe and massage her foot. “I’m not going any farther unless you explain yourself.”

“We’re getting married.” She looked at him. “Now. Right now, we’re getting married. I want you in my life, and I don’t want to wait any longer.”

She looked at him and could see he was serious. “You think you might have told me? Or someone else at your brother’s house? We were at that office for over an hour, and you couldn’t have told me then?”

“They’re at the courthouse now, my family is. I told them before I asked you to get dressed up and they left already.” He reached for her hand again, and she backed away. “If you want a real wedding later, we’ll have one as big as you like. But my family is waiting on us.”

“Does this have anything to do with making me a Bowen?” He flushed. “It doesn’t work that way, Dylan. Making me carry your last name doesn’t make me a Bowen. It makes me your wife. Especially if you do it this way.”

Kathi S. Barton's Books