Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(38)

“I’ve already got someone going to the house now. I didn’t want them to have to come here and identify him. That’s why I sent Reed.” Reed nodded at her. “Christ, that poor kid and his family.”

“There’s something else. He’s looking for Mann.” That had them all looking at him as he sat on the couch and Jack beside him. “I don’t know why, but he’s looking for him. He seems to think that the man owes him and can’t believe that he’s left him with a job half finished. He is also looking for Jack.”

“I don’t know any vampires,” Jack practically shouted. Then in a much lower voice, she continued, “Hell, I didn’t know you guys existed until last month. What does he want me for?”

Dylan pulled her into his lap and held her. He had to tell her, but he was so afraid for her. Not that she couldn’t handle herself, but because the man wanted her dead, not just to feed from her.

“He wants to get Small in the White House, and is afraid that with the information that Jack has on him, not only will he not be able to help him, but he’ll be shot for treason.” Caitlynne stood up and went to her desk.

“Did you happen to catch why he wants Small in the White House?” Dylan nodded. “Please tell me that he doesn’t think the bastard is going to be president after what he’s done? He can’t be that stupid.”

“No. It’s something to do with the White House being cursed, or he is. It’s a little fuzzy when you read so little of someone. But this vampire, Lucius…no last name…thinks that once Small gets inside he’ll be able to send all the plans and any other strategic information back to him, and he’ll be rich. His words, not mine.”

“And do what with it?” Khan looked as confused as he felt. “Does he think that Small has some hidden way to get in and out of here without anyone noticing he’s carting out large files? Or does he think that he can fax it all to him?”

There was a brisk knock on the door before it opened. Everyone stood, and Caitlynne and Jack drew their weapons. The man smiled at them and looked at Khan. He bowed low and stood.

“You’re their leader?” the man said. Khan nodded. “I would ask your permission to speak to you all, if you please. You will benefit greatly if I were able to.”

“You. I know you.” Jack stepped forward. “You were there that night. The night I was shot.”

“Yes. Very good, miss. But I cannot tell you anything until I am given permission. He must allow me to speak as you all belong to him.” Dylan reached out and pulled Jack to him before she said something stupid like she belonged to no one. “Sir? I ask your permission to speak.”

“You have it. I don’t know who you are, but if you had anything to do with Jack getting hurt that night, I’m going to tear you apart.” Dylan stepped forward as well, and Jack stepped in front of them both.

“He saved me.” She offered him a chair. “I didn’t know where I was. I was hurting and dizzy, and he showed me the way. He even said…you said you’d take care of my car for me. Make it so that no one would see it.”

“Correct. How lovely that you remember me. I say, I never thought you’d make it, but here you are.” He sat down and looked around. “You will need to rest a bit please. I have a story to tell. One that will help you all to understand.”

Everyone sat, and he nodded. The man was dressed like he’d just come from a renaissance fair. His hair was snowy white, and he had a beard that seemed to dance along his chin. And Dylan couldn’t read him. When he looked at him, Dylan heard him.

“You should know that I have picked you for her. And only you.” Dylan looked at Jack. “Yes, her. She is the only one for you, and the only one that can stop this madness. She will need help, but she will be the one to stop it. Are you willing to help her?”

“I would die for her. She’s my life. I cannot, nor will I let anyone hurt her again.” The man smiled.

“Then you will have her,” he said to him before turning to the others. “I have come to tell you a story. The vampire and I met many, many years ago. Long before this building was here, long before any of you were here, either. We met in a bar, and he was telling me how he would rule the kingdom. I had no idea at the time which kingdom he spoke of, but we had embarked on a tale, him and me.”

“Wait. I’m sorry, but how did you get in here? And who are you?” Caitlynne looked around, still holding her gun. “I asked not to be disturbed, yet here you are.”

“Yes, here I am. But you will need what I have to say. And I am Wizard Jacob.” He stood and shook her hand and everyone else’s. “I must say, I have waited for this time for so long. I’m glad to be having it finished.”

“You said wizard.” Jacob nodded at him. “As in magical? You’re a wizard, and you met with Lucius. Were you with him when he killed the young panther?”

“No. I was not, sadly. I was with Lucius when he was a mere child of a vampire. It was in the year of our Lord eighteen fifty-three. This world had just started to live, you see, and I came on an adventure. I got a bit more than I’d bargained for, I’m afraid.” He sat back in his chair. “He wished to run these grand states and do it from the White House. So, I fixed it so that neither he nor any of his kind could enter. Ever.”

Kathi S. Barton's Books