Dylan (Bowen Boys, #3)(37)

He nipped at the back of his throat and drank a small drink from him. He nearly climaxed then, because the boy was a pureblood. Licking along his neck to his shoulder, Lucius nipped him again and again, leaving a trail of blood running down his back to soak the shirt.

“Take off your clothes. I wish to see what I shall have tonight.” He stood up, and Lucius undressed him. He lovingly folded his clothing and put it on the end of the bed. He wasn’t sure why he did this, as the boy was going to be dead by sunrise, but it made the boy smile, and he was glad for that.

“I will take you now. Are you finished eating?” The boy nodded but hesitated. “What is it? Do you wish more to eat?”

“My mom. I want to call my mom.” Frustration ran along Lucius’s skin, and he looked at the boy. “You said later I could call her. Please, my mom will worry.”

He moved toward the naked boy and threw him to the bed. Leaping on him so he couldn’t shift, Lucius flipped him to his back and held him down.

“I’ve had enough waiting. I want you now.” Freeing his cock, he leaned over the boy. He wanted to take him hard, but the blood was seeping from his earlier bites, and he let his fangs drop and bit deep into his neck.

Blood poured from the pounding pulse. As his struggles got weaker, Lucius had a moment of regret, but the blood was a more powerful lure than the body. Drinking until he felt sick from it, he moved off him and to the side of the bed, not bothering to seal the wounds. As soon as he bled out, Lucius showered and dressed again. He wrapped him in the spread beneath him and dropped him in the alley just behind the building he’d found him in. He looked up and laughed. The Central Intelligence office was about to get a very large surprise in the morning.

Chapter Twelve

“You can’t see him.” Dylan tried to shove past the man at the front of the crime scene. “We have to look for clues, sir, and if you go in there, we’ll never catch the killer.”

Dylan nodded. He had heard from the hotel where he and Jack had checked into last night that a young man had been killed later that night. Marshall had told him it was a panther. Dylan had left his room to come and see if there was anything he could do to help. His brother came up beside him.

“I knew him. He was going to come out to the house to run with me soon.” Dylan knew that Reed was hurting. To lose another of their kind was a horrible blow, but to lose a friend was harder.

“I’m trying to get back to see if I can learn anything, but I’m being stonewalled.” Reed whistled through his teeth. “Was that really necessary?”

Reed grinned as the same police officer came to him. Before he could open his mouth, Reed showed him his badge. He nodded to him.

“This man was sent down here to help Mrs. Bowen with the investigation. She said that anyone dropped on her f*cking front step would get the best. He is the best. Do you think you can get him back to look around?”

The man looked more terrified than impressed. When he told Dylan to follow him, Reed came as well. Dylan was impressed and, obviously, so was the cop. He spoke in low tones, but Dylan had no problem hearing him.

“You work for Mrs. Bowen, huh?” Reed said yes. “I hear she’s a real ball buster. Good at her job and all, but a real ball buster.”

“She can be, but she’s fair, too. I love working for her.” Dylan knelt down by the boy and reached out to touch him. A pair of gloves slapped him on the shoulder.

“Gotta wear these. We have to protect everyone from blood borns, you know.” The man shook them at Dylan again. “Seriously. You have to put them on. Naked man in the alley might have AIDs or something like hepatitis.”

Dylan took the gloves and “accidently” dropped one on the boy’s neck. Making sure he ran his finger along the bites there, he pulled on the glove and thanked the other cop. He had all he needed, but made a show of looking him over. When he stood up, the first cop came toward him with Reed in tow.

“I would like you to make sure that a report is sent to Mrs. Bowen when you talk to the coroner. I will contact her and let her know to call my office.” Reed stepped away, coughing. Dylan knew he was laughing, but what the f*ck else was he supposed to say? Thanks, but I know everything because I touched the saliva that the f*cking vamp left behind? Yeah, that would go over well.

They both entered the CIA building, and, again, Reed cleared the way for him to get in. As they were riding up in the elevator, Dylan told him that he was proud of him. He laughed.

“What that cop said about Caitlynne is true. She is a f*cking ball buster. Some days all I want to do is call someone to come here and get me. She’s a pain in the ass.”

“But,” Dylan asked him, “you love her and the job you do for her, right? You did a great job back there and for Caitlynne. For all her ball busting, she speaks highly of you to others, and to Mom and Dad. She told them they’d done a very good job of raising you.”

Reed flushed but said nothing. As the elevators opened, there stood Caitlynne and Khan, but the only person he had eyes for was Jack. She came to him when he opened his arms for her. He was very glad he’d let her talk him into coming to the city last night.

“He was killed by a vampire. He wanted him because he was a panther, and his excitement grew when he realized he was full blooded. His family will have to be notified.”

Kathi S. Barton's Books