Drop Dead Sexy(57)

A nervous laugh bubbled from my lips. “No, no. I wasn’t thinking that at all.”

“Of course you were.”

“Okay, maybe I was.” I held my thumb and forefinger close together. “Maybe a little.”

“I knew I was right.”

“You’re so cocky.”

He glanced down at his crotch and then back over to me. “Don’t we know it?”

“Catcher, please.”

He held up one of his hands. “Fine, fine. I’ll stop. I can assume that you want kids one day from the reaction you had to me potentially not wanting them.”

“Yes. I do want kids. I want them very much.” I stared down at my hands. “It’s an unfulfilled dream to be a mother…and a wife.” The moment the words left my lips, I cringed. I had just committed one of the cardinal sins of dating. I’d been emotionally slutty by revealing too much about my relationship goals. Admitting I wanted to get married would probably have Catcher shriveling in his seat.

Catcher took my hand. “Olivia, I’m thirty-three years old. I’ve had my wild party years. I’ve got a mortgage on a house with two spare bedrooms—bedrooms that when I was building the house, I envisioned putting Little Catchers in.”

I couldn’t help giggling at his description. “That was very practical of you to think ahead.”

“Thank you. I’m a pretty practical guy.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “I know what I want, and I relentlessly pursue it until I get it.”

Butterflies began break dancing in my stomach at his comment and the way he was looking at me. Was it possible after all these years and all the emotional subterfuge, I had finally found the one? And had I found the one after only a few days? In the back of my mind, I couldn’t help wondering if Catcher was feeling the same connection. I mean, was that the reason why he’d said he wanted to settle down too? I wasn’t sure if I was jumping to conclusions or leaping. The last thing I needed after getting back in the game was to get my heart broken.

Catcher tenderly placed my hand back on my lap. “Now let me show you my house.”

My reply of “Okay” came in an almost breathless whisper because I was still trying to recover from the heaviness of the conversation.

After we left his parents’ and brother’s house in the distance, Catcher pulled up outside of a beautiful log home that looked like it could’ve been on the brochure of a mountain getaway. It even had a green-tin roof.

“Wow,” I murmured.

“Good wow, or bad wow?” Catcher asked.

I turned to him and smiled. “That’s a very good wow.”

Relief appeared on his face. “I’m glad to hear it.”

“You and your brother really built this?”

“We sure did…with a little help from his crew.”

“It’s amazing.”

After hitting the button to open the garage, Catcher eased the convertible inside. “You look around while I get the groceries.”

“Are you sure?”

Catcher grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ve hidden all the sex toys and drugs.”

“Ha, ha. Very funny.”

After giving me a playful kiss, Catcher got out of the car and went around to the trunk to get the bags, so I went to the door leading into the house. When I opened it, I entered the kitchen. Setting sunlight streamed in from the back wall that was filled with windows. Everything appeared new and modern from the stainless steel appliances, beige granite countertops, and sandy-colored tile floor.

When I heard Catcher behind me, I couldn’t help asking, “Do you have a cleaning lady?”

He set the bags down on the deep mahogany kitchen table. The cabinets were the same rich color. “Actually, it’s all me.”

“You’re kidding.”

Catcher laughed. “No. I’m not. I’m pretty much a neat freak.” He cocked his head at me. “What about you?”

“I’m kinda a cross between a neat freak and a slob.”

“Is that even possible?”

“Come to my house, and you can find out,” I replied with a smile.

“I’ve been to your house, remember?”

“You saw the foyer and part of the living room. You can’t really judge based on those. It’s more into my bedroom and bathroom.”

He slid his arms around my waist and drew me to him. “I would love to spend time in your bedroom.”

I laughed. “You might abandon any thoughts of sex because you were so grossed out by the mess.”

Catcher shook his head. “The bedroom would have to be on fire for me to abandon you.”

The beat of my heart felt like it was doing a trippy hopscotch. My eyelids fluttered a few times as I stared at Catcher. “I’m fighting the urge to pinch you right now.”

“Can I suggest my ass?”

“I was being serious.”

“So was I.”

After a playful smack on the arm, I said, “I mean, I was wanting to pinch you to see if you were real. These past few days feel like a dream.”

“Considering we’ve been involved with nudists, snake handlers, and a guy with two dicks, I’d wager that would be more of a nightmare than a dream.”

Katie Ashley's Books