Drop Dead Sexy(55)

Pease’s eyes widened behind her glasses, and I feared she might swallow her snuff from the shock. “You cook?”

“Sometimes. I’m still learning.”

She shook her head before pointing her cane at me. “You might’ve gone through a hell of a long dry spell, but this one is sure worth the wait.”

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and silently questioned God what I had done to deserve this level of punishment. I guess I was really paying for hot storeroom sex and seeing a dick pic in a church sanctuary.

Catcher took my hand in his. “I have to say that Olivia is worth the wait, too.”

As Mama went, “Aw” and Pease replied, “I’ll be damned”, I stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at Catcher. Did he really mean that, or was he just saying it to look good in front of Mama and Pease? I couldn’t help noticing the sincere look in his eyes.

I didn’t have a lot of experience with men, but it seemed that he and I were moving at almost warped speed from hot sex to a relationship. The rational side of me questioned what I really knew about him besides he was a hot-as-hell GBI agent with a great sense of a humor and a fantastic cock? I tried pushing the voices of doubt out of my head. I wanted to enjoy what we had for as long as I could.

“You are just about the sweetest man I’ve met in a long, long time,” Mama cooed. She patted my arm. “Isn’t he just the sweetest?”

“Yes. He really is,” I replied, staring directly at Catcher.

“You ladies are going to make me blush,” he teased.

Pease snorted. “I doubt there’s anything that would make you blush. I’m sure with your looks, you’ve just about seen and done it all.”

With that comment, the moment’s previous spell was broken. “And on that note, it’s time to go.” I reached out and took Catcher’s hand. “See you all tomorrow.”

When I started dragging Catcher to the door, Pease called, “I hope you packed a toothbrush in that purse. And some clean panties.”

After chuckling, Catcher muttered, “Jesus.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I said, “I’ll stop for a toothbrush. And no need for panties. I’m not wearing any now.”

A quiet “Fuck me,” came from Agent Sexy Pants beside me. And with that, I slammed the front door. As we started for his convertible, Catcher asked, “Were you serious about not wearing any panties?”

I laughed. “I guess you’ll just have to be a good boy and wait to find out.”

After making a quick stop at my house to pick up my overnight bag, we got on the road. Once we neared Catcher’s house, he surprised me by wheeling the convertible into a Publix parking lot. Before I could question him, he turned to me with a sheepish smile. “Call me an unprepared ass, but I haven’t had a chance to make it to the grocery store yet.”

“That’s okay. I don’t mind helping you shop.”

“You sure? You can wait here in the car if you want.”

I laughed. “Would you roll the window down for me like I was a dog?” I teasingly questioned.

“For you, I’d leave the car running,” he replied, with a wink.

I reached for my purse. “I’m more than happy to shop with you.”

Catcher nodded and then got out of the car. He shocked the hell out of me when he jogged around the front so he could open my door. “You know my mother and grandmother aren’t here to impress anymore,” I joked.

“Har, har. I’m a gentleman even when there isn’t anyone around to impress.”

“Even without opening the door for me, you made a hell of an impression on my mother and Pease.”

With a grin, Catcher said, “Your grandmother is really something.”

“Yes. She is.”

“Did you know she goosed me in the ass with her cane?”

“I’m not surprised. I kinda got the vibe that she was a little hot for you. Like some unresolved sexual tension.”

Catcher’s eyes bulged. “Only on her part,” he protested.

I giggled. “Of course. I know you’re not about to leave me for a roll in the hay with my grandmother.”

He shuddered as he pulled out a cart for us. “You know, I think she might’ve tried to touch my junk if your mom hadn’t been there.”


“Damn,” he muttered.

“Welcome to my world.”

Catcher steered the cart over to the produce section. “Are there any vegetables you don’t like?”

“I’m not a fan of radishes, but that’s about it. I pretty much eat anything.”

Catcher grinned. “Since we’re in public, I’m going to be a good boy and leave that potential innuendo alone.”

“That has to take some serious resolve to do that.”

“It does.”

“What can I get to help move things along?”

“Get me two yellow squash and two zucchini.”

“Coming right up.”

After rifling through the pile of squash for the best ones, I picked two and then bagged them. I was deciding between two enormous zucchini when Catcher rolled up with the cart. “Remind you of me?” he teasingly asked.

With a roll of my eyes, I countered, “I thought you were going to behave since we’re in public?”

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