Dare Me(61)

Twenty-five minutes later, we’re all in the elevator, ascending to the penthouse. When the doors open, the sound of laughter and classical music fill the usually quiet space. Hundreds of people are standing around, talking and drinking. Servers carrying trays of champagne, wine, beer, and hors d’oeuvres flitter through the sea of people.

“Holy shit,” Saige says under her breath.

“It’s always like this,” I tell her. “Just enjoy yourself. There are clients here.” I nod at Mr. Caruso, the CEO of Caruso industries and the owner of four of our planes. “There are even competitors here. We’re a friendly industry, Saige. As cut throat as we make it seem, we’re actually on very good terms with all of our competition.”

She nods and grips my hand. Kinsley and Emery sidle up to a table, each grabbing a flute of champagne.

“Ladies, be sure to find our clients,” I remind them before I guide Saige through the crowd. It’s nice to have Saige with me. I’m used to doing these events alone. Speaking discreetly, I tell Saige, “Don’t worry about Sergio Perez. He’ll be here tonight, but he knows you’re off limits. Be pleasant, but you’re not expected to kiss his ass.” I raise my eyebrows at her, knowing that she’ll do whatever it takes to keep his business, but I’m not willing to negotiate Saige for any aviation deal.

“But—” she starts and I cut her off.

“We’re not discussing this again. Understand?” I hate sounding like a dick, but this conversation is done.

“Mr. Hamilton,” a male voice cuts in. I turn to see who’s approached, and it’s Robert Wellingford, the owner of Compass Aeronautical. His bright gray hair stands out against his tan skin and dark suit.

“Robert,” I say, reaching out to shake his hand. “Nice to see you again.”

“Likewise.” He takes a sip of his glass of whiskey, smiling at Saige. “And who is this beauty?”

I squeeze her hand once before letting it go and introducing her. “This is Saige Phillips. Saige works for—”

He interrupts me, reaching for her hand. “I’ve heard wonderful things about you, young lady. So much so that I’d love to snatch you away from Jackson-Hamilton and bring you over to Compass.” He laughs boisterously, and Saige laughs kindly in return.

She graciously reaches out to shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” Instead of shaking her hand, he pulls it to his lips and kisses just over her knuckles. “However, from the looks of this, it appears that Holt here has secured you for more than a job.” He turns back to me. “Nice work, son. She’s smart, talented, and beautiful. She’s a keeper.” He pats me on the shoulder and I nod, not willing to discuss my relationship with him.

“Great party.” He changes the subject, and I see Saige visibly relax. “You always know how to entertain.”

“Thank you. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Always,” he says, looking over my shoulder. “Hey, there’s Monty Freeman. I’ve been looking for that * all night.” He steps away, but not before quickly turning around to say goodbye. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Phillips. My offer stands,” he says seriously. “Anytime you’re ready to leave this handsome schmuck, I’ll have a job for you.” He laughs as he walks away, and I shake my head at the crazy old man.

“Is everyone in this industry old?” She asks me.

“Mostly. Jackson-Hamilton is the youngest aviation broker in terms of how long we’ve been in business, but also our employees. I’d like to think we have a leg up on our competition because we’re more technologically savvy and have a different business acumen than our competitors.” I explain confidently.

I spy Sergio Perez across the room, tucked into a corner. He’s watching us, and he nods at me when he notices I’ve seen him. “Perez at nine o’clock,” I warn Saige. “Just stay close to me.”

She squeezes my hand and I turn to her, offering her an encouraging smile. Her lips are pursed, but she fakes a smile in return and takes a deep breath.

“Jerry!” I greet the man standing in front of us. “Nice to see you again.”

“Nice to see you, Holt.” His voice has a slight Southern drawl to it. Jerry flew in from Georgia to join us. He juggles a glass of red wine in one hand and a woman’s beaded purse in the other. “Vivian is in the restroom.” He grimaces, holding up the purse. A slight blush covering his cheeks.

“And I’m sure she appreciates you holding her purse,” Saige says with a giant smile, trying to make him feel comfortable, no doubt. That’s just what she does. She draws people in and makes them feel good. I shift and let her take over conversing with Jerry.

Jerry chuckles. “I don’t know what you women carry around, but this weighs more than a newborn.”

“Our life,” she says sweetly. “Trust me, everything and anything that could be needed is in there. Do not lose it!” She raises her eyebrows and smirks. Then they both break out laughing.

“I’m Saige Phillips,” she says, extending her hand to him.

“I’ve heard a lot of great things about you, Ms. Phillips,” he drawls. “Jerry Billings,” he says, shaking her hand in return. “I’m CEO of Gulfstream Aerospace.”

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