Dare Me(64)

“You okay?” I ask softly, standing in the doorway.

Holt spins his desk chair around to face me. “How long have you been standing there?” he asks, letting out a deep sigh.

My knees shake unsteadily. “Long enough to know that I think you made a mistake. Long enough to know that I’m shocked you’d do that for me.” Tears sting the back of my eyes when I think about what Holt has just done for me.

He nods, his eyes dropping to his desk. “It wasn’t a mistake. You’re worth that. You’re worth a million times that.” My heart swells with emotion hearing him say this.

“Holt—” I begin walking toward him.

“Saige. Can we not talk about this? I made my decision. I’m at peace with it.” He grins at me and takes my hand, his thumb caressing the top of it. “We have a party upstairs that we need to get back to.”

He stands up and pulls my other hand into his. We’re face-to-face, staring into each other’s eyes. I feel like I can see his soul through his blue eyes, and I’ve just witnessed his heart. There is nothing about this man that I’m not head over heels in love with, if I could just find the words to tell him. I step forward and into his arms. He wraps them tightly around me, and I press my nose to his neck, inhaling the light scent of his cologne.

“I’d risk everything for you, Saige,” he whispers, running his fingers over the back of my neck.

Suddenly, a loud knock startles me, and I jump back as Holt turns to see who’s standing in the doorway.

An older gentleman dressed in a suit is watching us, adjusting the sleeves and cufflinks on his tuxedo. “Holt,” he says with a slight grin. “Been a long time.”

Holt pulls my hand into his, squeezing it tightly, and I notice his face turning red. “What are you doing here?” he bites out through clenched teeth.

The man runs his fingers through his white hair and adjusts the watch on his wrist before responding. “I would have thought after all this time you’d at least invite me into your office. You grew up with me demonstrating the proper way to treat clients. I’d expect you to have better manners,” he says smugly, his voice dripping with arrogance.

It’s Holt’s father. It must be. My breath hitches, and I scramble to replay the details of Holt and his father’s relationship, but all I can remember is that it’s strained and there has been no contact for years.

Holt’s grip nearly crushes mine, and I wriggle my hand out of his. With a deep breath, I take a step forward on shaky knees, thinking that maybe I can diffuse this situation. “Hello.” I smile at the man, but he remains planted just inside the doorway.

“Hi,” he says in response, no emotion in his voice. His face is devoid of any semblance of happiness as he stares over my shoulder at Holt.

I look back at Holt, who is also cemented in place, his hands fisted at his sides.

“I’m going to go back upstairs,” I whisper, planning a quick escape. I need to let Holt and his father deal with whatever they need to deal with.

He simply nods in response. My shaky legs carry me across the quiet office until I’m directly in front of Holt’s father, but he doesn’t make an attempt to move and let me exit, so I stop.

Finally, he turns his attention to me, and my stomach flips nervously when I see the void in his blue eyes. The same blue eyes that Holt has. Ones that can stop you in your tracks, only his are hollow. The deep wrinkles in his face are accentuated by his frown, but his upper lip curls into a sickening smile.

“Pardon me,” he says, taking one step to the side, still not enough space for me to get past him. I smile and take another step forward, praying he’ll just let me through. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything,” he says, turning his attention back to Holt.

“No, no,” I stutter. “We were just headed back upstairs. I’ll give you two some privacy.” Taking another step forward, I silently urge him to move out of my way, but he remains still.

“You really are a pretty little thing, aren’t you?” There’s a hint of laughter in his statement. “I didn’t catch your name.” He tilts his head to the side as he studies my face.

I force a smile. I’m getting really good at this, I think to myself. “Saige.” I extend my hand. “Saige Phillips.”

At that, his entire body stills, his eyes flashing to Holt. Then he erupts in laugher, tossing his head back. “You have really outdone yourself, son!” he roars, looking back at me. “My, my, my you have grown into a beautiful little thing.” His quiet laughter continues. He holds his fist in front of his mouth, trying to stifle it back.

I glance back at Holt. “What is he talking about?”

Holt’s face twists with agony and anger. “Saige. Go upstairs.”

I take a deep breath and stand up straight, raising my chin as Holt’s father continues to chuckle behind his fist.

“I didn’t catch your name either,” I say, my voice unwavering.

“Now!” Holt commands, but I hold my gaze on Holt’s father. His eyebrows shoot up, but he finally stops laughing.

“Don’t,” Holt orders, but I’m not sure if he’s talking to his father or me.

His father’s baby blue eyes remain fixed on mine, and he holds out his hand. I slide mine inside his firm grip. He squeezes gently, holding it for a moment before he shakes it. “Jonathan Berkshire.”

Rebecca Shea's Books