Dare Me(58)

His mouth twists into a small smile. “Mornin’.”

I tighten the belt on my robe and sit next to him on the couch. “What time are we leaving today?”

“Anxious to get back?” he asks, setting his computer on the coffee table in front of him.

“No.” I rub the back of my neck. “But if we have time, I’d like to check in on your mom.”

He smiles at me. “I appreciate your concern,” he starts, setting his hand on my thigh, pushing the end of the robe aside. “But I’ve already spoken with her. She’s feeling better and apologized about last night.” His hand slides further up my inner thigh, pushing my legs apart.

“I’m glad,” I respond, my breath hitching.

There is a hunger in his eyes, and the corner of his lips twist into a grin. “We’re not leaving until this afternoon, and I plan to spend all morning showing you how I feel about you.” He leans in and presses a kiss to my lips as his fingers find my center. I gasp as his finger swirls my clit, and I instantly find myself sinking back into the couch to give him better access.

“Oh no, not here,” he says, standing up. He reaches for my hand and pulls me to a standing position. He walks me backwards slowly, back toward the bedroom. “I plan to spend all morning exploring every inch of this perfect body,” he says, pulling the tie on my robe so that it falls open. “When you think of New York, I want you to remember how tired and sore you were and not from walking around the city.”

He guides me into the bedroom, stopping me just as the back of my legs hit the mattress. Then he slides the robe off my shoulders, letting it fall into a pile at our feet. Reaching between my legs again, he gently rubs back and forth, and I gasp at his touch. “You’re wet,” he observes, sliding a finger inside me. “And so f*cking tight. Lie down.” He guides me onto the bed, my back pressed into the soft mattress.

My skin pricks with goose bumps as he runs his hands over the soft flesh of my stomach and up to my breasts. He pinches my nipples, and my back arches at his touch. I lose myself in Holt as he takes his time touching me. His fingers and lips mark every spot on my body, and he claims me through his words and his touch.

With each kiss, I allow the walls I’ve built to crumble, brick by brick, allowing Holt access to my heart, a heart I once thought was dead.

After a nap, I awaken sated, wrapped in Holt’s arms, the late afternoon shining in the window. Holt’s soft lips press against my temple, and he pulls me closer to him.

“Hey there,” he says quietly. “Time to get up.” He presses another kiss to my cheek. “Car will be here in an hour.”

I roll over and wrap my arms around his neck. “I could lie here with you forever.” I pepper his chest with light kisses.

“I think I’d love that,” he says tenderly, running his fingers through my hair.

I wrap my legs through his and can feel his heart beating against my own chest. “Thank you for bringing me to New York. I had an amazing time.”

His eyes search mine, and he smiles softly. “I had an amazing time as well.” He presses one last kiss to my forehead before pushing himself out of bed.

Five and a half hours later, we’re taxiing into Chicago, New York a recent memory. Holt worked the entire trip back, and I snuggled into one of the large reclining chairs and read. Now, Mr. Jones is waiting for us with his car and loading our luggage while Holt gets me settled in the back. Less than an hour later, I wake from a little nap as we’re pulling into Holt’s driveway.

“We’re home.” He wakes me with a kiss.

Home. As much as I’ve resisted the thought of losing myself in Holt so quickly, this does feel like home. Not the house, but Holt. Holt is home to me.


I lie in bed, replaying my mother’s angry words repeatedly in my head, her eyes glistening with tears as she held onto my arms.

“Tell her, Holt,” she begged. “You have to tell her.”

I inhaled deeply. “I can’t now. It’s too late.”

She squeezed my arms tighter, her eyes pleading. “It’s never too late. You’re going to lose her if you’re not honest.”

“Do you think I don’t already know that,” I snapped at her. Sighing, I shrugged out of her grip. “That’s why I can’t tell her. I will lose her.”

She shook her head, her shoulders heavy with sadness. “Holt, how in the world did you get yourself into this mess?”

“I was trying to right some wrongs. I had no idea what to expect when she walked through that door.” I raked my hands over my face and through my hair, resting them on top of my head.

“That is where it should have stopped. Do you realize what this could do to her?”

My hands fell from my head as my mom buried her face in her hands and cried. “I thought this was behind us.”

The sound of Saige’s whimpering pulls me from my thoughts. Her breathing quickens and her shoulders begin to shake. I pull her closer. “Saige. Baby, you’re okay. I’m here.” She awakens and shifts in my arms. “You okay?”

She nods her head quickly and rubs her neck. “Yeah.” Drops of sweat line her forehead and she swipes at them.

“Same dream?”

“Same nightmare,” she corrects me, her voice dripping with sadness.

Rebecca Shea's Books