Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(83)

AJ sipped and studied the front of Colby and Channing’s refrigerator, covered in family pictures and Ky’s artwork. Ky had drawn a picture of the entire McKay clan on a long sheet of white paper. Grandma and Grandpa were prominent on the right side. Colby and Channing were at the top with their arms around each other. Colt was lying down in the lower right corner. A tiny image of Cameron holding a rifle was crayoned below Colt, meant to show that Uncle Cam was far away in Iraq. Keely cracking a bullwhip, wearing a sparkly belt and a big grin. The smaller mirror images of Kane and Kade were below her. Carter and Macie holding hands at the bottom of the page on the left. And dead center was Cord McKay, his visage bigger than all the others.

On Cord’s right side, a smaller identical likeness of him, aka Ky, beaming up at his dad. She squinted. Yep. A crude red cape fluttered behind the dynamic duo. The boy had a serious case of hero worship.

She knew the feeling.

AJ drank half the beer before returning to the living room.

Ten minutes of baby chatter continued.

Macie said, “Much as I love talking about my new brother and sister, and the impending new McKay boy baby, let’s talk about something else. I’m pretty sure AJ is bored to tears.”

“Let’s talk about sex.” Channing addressed the comment to Gemma. “When will we get back to our normal sex life? Because it’s been so hit and miss for us for the last two months.”

AJ shot a quick glance at Macie, who suddenly had a panicked look on her face.

“In another couple of weeks, things should be back to normal. At least until the last month. I didn’t want Cash to touch me at all. I was big as a house, I wasn’t sleeping and I had to pee every five minutes. I felt about as sexy as an old cow.”

“So the six week ban on sex after the birth? How on earth did you make it through that?”

“I went to the doctor two weeks ago and she gave us the go ahead. I adore my husband. I especially adore sex with my husband. I can’t wait to make it up to him when we have more than five minutes before one of the babies needs something. But right now if I had the choice between sex and sleep? Sleep wins.”

Channing gasped, “No.”


Macie looked positively ill.

AJ changed the subject. “Guess who I saw dirty dancing together at the Golden Boot two weeks ago? Your husbands’ cousin Chassie West and Trevor Glanzer.”

“Really?” Channing and Gemma exchanged a look, which was lost on Macie and AJ.

“Yep. Rumor is they’ve been seeing a lot of each other.”

“How long has this been going on?” Gemma asked.

“A few months. I’ve heard from a couple of sources that they’re serious.”

“Wow. Surprised that hasn’t made it into the McKay gossip channel.”

“Like the situation with Colt did?”

All eyes zoomed to AJ.


“You were there. What really happened?”

AJ retold the story with as much detail as she’d remembered.

Channing took Ella to burp her. “Do you know what Colt said to Cord that’d make Cord act like that? Because Cord never acts impulsive.”

He’d acted pretty damn impulsive earlier when he’d had her naked in his truck. “No one knows.”

Macie, Gemma and Channing gossiped about other members of the McKay family.

Lorelei James's Books