Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(82)

“I’m sorry. It’s a bad situation.”

“I have a feelin’ it’ll get worse before it gets better.”

AJ did too. She opened the cab door. “Thanks for the ride.”

“What? No goodbye kiss?”

“We’re in public, remember?”

Cord scowled. “Yeah. Be careful tonight.”

“Of what? The thing I’m most in danger from is being barfed on either by the babies or the mothers-to-be.”

“She told you?”

She blinked innocently. “Who told me what?”

“Macie. She told you she’s pregnant?”

AJ gaped at him. “You know?”

“Carter can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life. Macie should’ve made him the last person to know.”

“Hard to do when he’s the father.”

“I imagine that boy is struttin’ around like a damn peacock.” He smiled wistfully. “I remember I did.”

“I’m excited for them. I can’t wait until I get the all clear to tell Mama. She’ll be happy to hear this house will be filled with kids again.”

“Listen, AJ about that—”

“Have a good night.”

AJ bounded up the steps without looking back.

Chapter Twenty-one

“I still can’t believe you had a baby before I did,” Channing said.

“Two babies.” Gemma pointed at Channing’s belly. “And unless you’re growing a pair, you’ll have to go through the whole pregnancy thing again to catch me.”

“ I can’t wait. Look at this sweet little face. What wondrous things babies are.”

Channing cuddled Ryder close and smiled at him. “He is beautiful. Perfect everything. So much hair. Such a mellow disposition. Definitely takes after Cash, not you, Gem.”

Just then Ella wailed.

Macie grinned and handed Ella to Gemma. “That’s Mama’s rowdy girl. Feeding time for my loud sis.”

“Chan, bring Ryder after I get Ella settled, willya? He’ll smell food the second my milk lets down.”

“Do I have to? He looks so comfy. I think he’s fine,” she cooed, kissing his forehead,

“aren’t you darlin’ boy?”

“You’ll see.”

AJ watched the scene unfold with complete fascination. Her sister had opted not to breastfeed, so this whole “letting it all hang out” philosophy with bare breasts, well—

bared and literally hanging out—had thrown her for a loop.

Gemma clutched Ella like a football on her left side, propping Ella on a pillow and lifting her shirt. Ella’s dark head swiveled the direction of the scent of milk. Gemma brought Ella closer so that rosebud mouth could latch onto the nipple. Gemma stroked Ella’s hair and murmured, “You’d think you hadn’t eaten in hours, baby girl.”

Ryder began to fuss. Channing sighed. “I tried to give you a break. But this little guy knows what he wants.” Channing nestled Ryder on Gemma’s right side and he started sucking with happy baby grunts.

“I need a drink,” AJ muttered.

“Oh, sorry, I’ll get you a beer.”

“Sit, Channing. I’ll grab one.”

Lorelei James's Books