Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(99)

They look at each other. “It’s ten o’clock George, dya think she’ll come out at this time?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I won’t give her any choice.”

I have this little ball of anger burning in my belly now; if my Mum did this, if my Mum could have prevented the pain and heartache I’ve gone through for the last four years by even a fraction and didn’t, even worse, if she has in fact been behind keeping us apart all this time, then I think my relationship with her is over, without hesitation, I will walk away from her and the business if I find out that she did this, this hurtful, spiteful thing.

I go out to the kitchen, take the phone off its base and with a shaky hand; I dial my parents’ number. My Dad answers. Did he have a part to play in this I wonder as I speak? “Alright Dad, sorry for calling so late, is Mum there?”

“Hello, treacle, how you doin’? Yeah, she’s right here babe, love ya.”

“Love you too Daddy.”

I hear him tell her it’s me, I swallow and lick my lips but I don’t seem to have any moisture in my mouth. “Evening Georgia, what’s wrong?”

What’s wrong, what’s f*cking wrong, where would she like me to start? I want to scream, I want to drag her down the phone line. I decide instead, to get straight to it. “Mum, I need you to come to Jimmie and Lens and I need you to come now, it’s urgent.”

“Georgia! Whatever’s wrong, is someone hurt?” Is someone hurt, is someone f*cking hurt? Hurt like you have no idea mother! My finger nails are digging into the palm of my hand so much it’s painful.

“Yes Mum, someone is hurt. I don’t want you to panic but I need you to get here as quick as you can.”

I end the call before she can say any more and put the phone back on its base and stand and stare at it; Sean’s arms wrap around me and he kisses me in that perfect spot right below my ear, my head swims and I can’t help but give a little sigh and lean back into him. “We have so much to talk about, so much we need to sort out but I swear to God Georgia, I promise you here and now, I will spend the rest of my life making up these last four years to you, regardless what’s happened since. It all started with me, me and my own stupidity, I will never put you through anything like that again, I want you back G, I want you with me, and I want it how it should have been all these years, Sean and Georgia.”

I turn around and look at him, He looks down at my hand, it’s at my throat, and he reaches out and moves my hand out of the way and brushes his fingers over my G. “You still wear it?”

He brushes his knuckles, gently over my cheek and smirks. “Are you blushing Georgia Rae?” He licks his index finger and runs it over my face, making a sizzling noise, like my face is frying him.

“Yes, I still wear it; it was the only piece of you I’ve allowed into my life these past four years. I wanted you near, I wanted to feel you but I didn’t want to look at you and be reminded of what I had lost.” He closes his eyes as if what I am saying is painful, he nods his head slightly.

“This is so f*cked up G, you won’t believe this.” He pulls his t-shirt over his head, he’s so much bigger than I remember him but he was only just eighteen then, he’s a grown man of twenty-two now and ripped and toned to f*ck; he lifts my chin with his finger. “Eyes up here G, this is what I wanted to show ya, not my abs, although I’m happy to show them later too.”

He winks at me as he speaks. “But look, look at this.” He points to the tattoo on his chest; it’s the exact replica of my necklace, the letter G, being held up by angel’s wings. “I wanted a piece of you, a piece of you to always be with me but I couldn’t have it where I could see it all the time, it hurt, every time I looked at it, every time I caught a glimpse it served as a reminder of how badly I’d f*cked up and how much I had lost.”

Lesley Jones's Books