Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(145)

“Oh God, oh God, what have I done, what have I done?” I sob. I grab my bag and leave but he’s right behind me, tucking himself in.

“This way… this way Georgia.” He pulls me roughly by the arm, back toward the emergency exit sign, he pulls me down a flight of stairs, then stops in front of a door “Let me have your number, we need to talk.”

“No, no number, we don’t need to talk, not about this, not ever, it should never have happened.”

“You f*cking love me Kitten, you know you do.” His hand rakes through his long dark hair, he must be in his forties now but he’s still so handsome, still so very alpha male.

“I know that, I f*cking know that, but it makes no difference, I’m with Sean, I love Sean. This was a mistake that will never happen again. Stay away from me Cam, do not try to contact me, just stay away.”

Once again I’ve caused that defeated look on his face, I push past him and outside to the Range Rover, where Dave and the girls are waiting, I slam the door behind me.

“Let’s go.” I call out. We drive back to the penthouse in silence, the loudest silence I have ever heard in my life.



Sean and I were sat at a little café in Chapel Street Melbourne, Australia; we had just enjoyed an enormous fry up and were now sipping on our coffees and watching the very interesting sights and sounds of this part of Australia. It was an absolutely freezing cold, but a bright and sunny day; we had no idea when we arrived eight months ago, on a stinking hot thirty eight degree day that Australia could get so cold. We’d been travelling all around the country since our arrival, and had seen waterfalls in Kakadu, and watched the sun set and rise again over Ayers Rock. We’d dived with sharks, inside a shark cage in Western Australia, and we’d surfed at Bondi, spent New Year’s Eve on a yacht in Sydney Harbour, driven along the Great Ocean Road, surfed again at Bells Beach and sat freezing on a beach on Phillip Island watching a colony of Fairy Penguins coming back to dry land after a day out at sea fishing. We spent the last three weeks discovering the city of Melbourne and its surrounding areas.

We’d fallen in love with Australia when Carnage had toured here almost two years ago and we vowed to come back and have a look at the whole country, not just Sydney and Melbourne where the band had played. The people were so friendly, the country and the scenery were stunningly beautiful and vaster than you could ever imagine. Victoria was the smallest state and yet you could fit the whole of Great Britain inside it.

Sean and I had been away from England and our families for almost a year now, we’d decided to take a year out, leaving the madness of Carnage and the fame that came with it behind us while we travelled, before coming back to England and trying for a baby.

After Sean had proposed to me, we kept our news secret until after Jimmie and Lennon’s wedding as we didn’t want to take any of the attention away from them or attract any more attention to ourselves. The press intrusion had been relentless, sometimes the stories they printed about us were half-truths, but mostly they were complete fabrication and often very hurtful. We mostly ignored them or had a good laugh over them. We’d been split up, according to the press on an almost weekly basis. Sean had had numerous affairs, quoted as being in places with different women, when he was in fact, at home, or even on a different continent with me. The best story was that the reason we hadn’t had children yet was because our marriage was a sham and Sean was gay; that was the one that we laughed most about and the one that had caused Sean to have the most piss taken out of him amongst the band, my brothers and our friends.

Lesley Jones's Books