Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(142)

“You own this place?”

“I do.” I simply nod, take the keys from him and call to Ash and Jimmie to follow me.

Cam’s office, is very similar to that at the wine bar, very old fashioned, gentleman’s club looking and it smells so much like Cam; we all take turns using the bathroom and I can’t resist spraying a squirt of Cam’s aftershave onto the inside of my wrist after I find it sitting on the edge of the sink. We lock up behind us and start to head back toward the bar and that’s when I see her.

I feel faint at first, light headed, it rolls from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, it stops me dead in my tracks I watch her as she pleads with security to let her into the VIP bar and then the light headedness is gone and I can see very clearly and think and feel even clearer, my rage doesn’t even start at red, it’s way beyond red, it’s white hot and searing and I have to get to her. I drop the keys and my bag and I think that for a few seconds, I might actually fly, I move so fast. I think that my feet actually leave the ground, and I’m on her in what seems like a second. I vaguely here Jimmie calling my name, then just a rush of air and my own heart beat in my ears. I grab her hair with my left hand and punch her with my right, she goes down onto the floor and I throw myself down on top of her, straddling her chest, I punch again and again. Then I lift her head by her hair and bang it into the ground. I don’t see her face, I don’t see anything, I don’t feel anything, but I keep punching, clawing, pulling at skin and hair continuously, until I’m pulled backward, through the air. My vision comes back first, there are club security leaning over an unconscious woman. Dave has my arm on one side, Cam on the other; Jimmie is in my face telling me to calm down. Ash is just glaring at the woman on the floor, who is now moving, she starts to try and stand and I catch sight of her face and rush toward her again. I’m screaming something, but I’ve no idea what, I land a great right hook on her jaw and she flies backward, caught by the bouncer. I’m once again dragged back in the opposite direction and pulled into Cam’s office. I scratch and spit and scream obscenities all the way. I’ve lost it. I scream at Cam to shoot her, to give me a gun so that I can shoot her, my eyes scour the desk and I spot the scissors and I make a grab for them, telling anyone that’s listening that I’m gonna cut the bitches throat. Never in my life have I felt rage like it.

I’m pulled down into someone’s lap. It registers that it’s Cam after a few seconds, I can smell him, I stop fighting and try to calm my breathing, there’s still a commotion going on around me, doors opening and closing, people talking.

“I need to get her out of here,” I hear Dave say. “The f*ckin’ press are gonna be all over this.”

“Is there a back door?” I hear Jimmie ask.

“Where is she, have you kicked her out? Cos if George ain’t killed her, I f*cking will!” Go Ash!

“Let’s just sit tight for a minute, I don’t know what state she’s in and this one still needs to calm down.”

I hear a door open and someone says, “She’s saying she wants the Police called boss, what dya want me to do?”

“For f*ck’s sake,” Cam says quietly.

“Where is she?”

“One of the barmaids is with her in the staff room.”

“Keep her there, I’ll go down and talk to her, see if I can change her mind.” It’s all quiet for a few minutes.

“If I let you go, do you promise not to go psycho on me again Kitten?” I nod and open my eyes, they slam into his, looking down at me. He has a slight smile on his face.

Lesley Jones's Books