Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(132)

“Would you like some water?”

I ask him, he shakes his head. “Scotch.”

I give a little laugh and shake my head. “No can do Tiger, water, tea, coffee, them’s your choices?”

“You’re mean.”

“I know.”

“I love you.”

“I know.”

“Do you?”

“Yes, would you like some water or some tea?” My heart is banging so hard in my chest that it’s giving me a headache.

He sighs. “Will you serve it to me naked?”

“I’ll pour it over your dick if you don’t simmer down.” He gives a little chuckle.

“There’s my angry Kitten.”

“I’m not angry Cam, I’m sad. Why? Why did you do this to yourself?”

He closes his eyes, when he opens them, his look is cold and hard and it scares me for a second. “My head hurts, would you please get me some headache tablets and a glass of water?”

I don’t question his change in tone or the way he’s now looking at me, he’s hurt and he’s angry and I’m the cause of his suffering. I think that entitles him to look at me however he likes. “I can get you some water but no tablets, the doctor will be here soon and I’m not sure what he wants to give you.”

“What doctor, why?” He starts to get up out of bed but his legs are unsteady and he stagers and falls back down, I call out for Benny, but it’s Robbie that’s first through the door.

“Back in bed Cam.”

“You’re not locking me up again; I’m not going back to that place!” Cam’s shouting and Robbie’s trying to get him back into bed, Benny comes in and helps to hold him down.

“Don’t hurt him,” I shout at both of them.

“Get her out!” Cam growls. “Get her the f*ck out of here, don’t let her see me, Rob, don’t let her see me like this.”

He starts to sob, and I start to cry. “Please Rob, please don’t lock me up.”

Robbie holds onto Cam as he sobs. “I won’t mate, I promise I won’t, the doctor’s coming. Joshie and Tor are on their way. We’ll look after you here, I won’t lock you up, and we’ll get you better between us.”

Cam stops fighting and just lets his big brother hold him, while I stand in the corner and cry, as I watch the outcome of my actions unfold. Robbie looks at me and gestures with his head for me to get out. I leave, I don’t wait for a lift, I leave the flat and make the ten minute walk back home with my head down and hope that no one recognises me; as I come down the back ally, I spot Sean’s, Len’s and my Dad’s cars all blocking my way. Fuck, I’m in trouble.

Dave is standing at the bottom of the stairs and lets out sigh and then shakes his head as he sees me. “Thanks Georgia, I’m in so much f*ckin’ trouble coz of you.” For f*cks sake.

“I’m sorry Dave, but if it’s any consolation, I bet I’m in more.”

He nods his head. “I think your right there babe, Maca is doing his narna, I think they were about to call the Police.” Shit, f*ck, bollocks.

I run up the stairs and down the hallway to a welcoming party of my entire family plus Jimmie, Ash, Sean and Milo, the whole room falls absolutely silent for a split second. Sean has his back to me; he turns, looks me over, puts his hands on his hips and lets out the biggest sigh as his chin falls forward onto his chest.

“Where the f*ck have you been George?” Bailey speaks first, my Dad rakes his hand through his hair and comes and gives me a cuddle.

Lesley Jones's Books