Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(112)

His face falls and I instantly regret what I’ve just said, he swallows hard and strokes over my cheekbone with the back of his hand. “Oh Georgia Rae, you have no idea, no f*ckin’ idea.”

He pulls me in and takes a big sniff of my hair. “I smell of fried egg,” I complain.

“Na, you smell like Gia, you smell like home, you smell like exactly where I want to spend the rest of my life.”

I swallow back the next round of tears threatening to escape and just say. “Eat your breakfast before its stone cold.”

He smacks my arse as I turn and go to fetch my cup of tea from where I left it over by the kettle. I come back and sit on the stool next to him and watch him eat as I sip my tea. “Why are you not eating G?’

I shake my head. “I don’t think I could keep anything down.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” He asks with a frown.

“Nothing, just… ” I shrug, “I don’t know, just all of this.”

I gesture between us. “You, me, my Mum, the circumstances, it’s just got my head spinning and my belly back flipping, I really don’t think I could keep anything down right now.”

“Just a bit of toast?” he asks.

“No.” I shake my head.

“G, baby, please don’t take this the wrong way but you really need to put on a bit of weight.” I don’t take it the wrong way; I know that I’m way to skinny. I’m not short at five feet eight and the last time I weighed myself I was just over eight stone, a whole stone lighter than I was a couple of years ago. I’d gained a couple of pounds these last few months since I’d been seeing Cam, but I still needed to gain more.

Cam, shit, I need to speak to him, he’ll be worrying himself sick about where I am, but I also need to end things between us. Don’t know how he’ll take that and oddly enough, I’m not really sure how I’m feeling about it either.

“G, you okay, I haven’t upset you with that have I?” Sean brings me back from my Cam dilemma.

“What? No, no. I know I’ve lost weight, too much work, gym, clubbing.” I shrug. “I was skinnier, but Cam’s been good for me, I’ve put… ” I stop as soon as I realise what I’m saying.

“So is Cam the boyfriend?” he asks, looking right into my eyes, I nod.

“I’ll have to call him today, he’ll be worried.”

“Don’t let me stop ya.” His eyes have lost their spark.

“Please don’t, I need to call him and I need to see him, he’s a nice bloke and he’ll be worrying about where I was all night.”

“You live together?”

“No, no but he’s got a key. I was out with him last night, we had a row, I stormed off and left him in the restaurant and jumped in a taxi and came here.”

“So I have Cam to thank for you falling into my arms last night?” he asks with a smirk.

I suppose he does. “If that’s the way you want to look at it, then yeah, you do.”

“G, where you and he are concerned, I don’t want to look at it at all, but, ya know, we’ve been apart, it’s been four years, I get it.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I hate the idea of it but I get it.”

He reaches out and brings my hand to his lips and kisses first the back, then turns it over and kisses my palm, then licks and kisses the inside of my wrist. He lets go and stands from his stool and takes his plate and cutlery over to the dishwasher. I know Sean, I know him inside out and I know exactly where he’s going now, even before he says, “I need the bog, you make your calls then come and join me in the shower.”

Lesley Jones's Books