Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(121)

“I didn’t do it for you,” he replied.

“You still did it, so thanks man. Sorry for all the shit I put you through when you were just trying to be a friend to her.”

“No worries. I’m going to get my girl out of here now.” He nodded toward the exit. Sophia was still grinning up at him like he was Superman.

We bumped knuckles, but before he even finished his sentence, I sensed her walking out into the gate. She was even more beautiful than I remembered. Her hair had gotten longer and lighter from being in the sun all summer, and her skin had a golden hue that I was going to have fun running my hands all over later. She looked really tired as well. I just wanted to grab her and tuck her into my bed where she belonged and let her sleep for as long as she wanted, so long as she would let me lie next to her. Ellie and Quinn enfolded her in hugs the second she stepped out. I could tell she was happy to see her family, but it made me laugh when I saw her scanning the area for someone else over their shoulders. I pray to God it’s me.

After Charles and Cole had their chance to hug her, I watched as she turned and spoke to all four of them. They all rotated and pointed their fingers right at me. She whipped around and let her bags fall from her shoulders when she saw me. She took off in a dead sprint and hurtled herself into my arms. God, this was paradise. This is where she belonged always. I breathed in her unfamiliar soap and shampoo, but I could still smell her comforting scent as well… the one that was unique to her. Her legs were squeezing the life out of my waist and I never wanted her to stop.

I had never thought I would get this attached to a girl during college or even at all. I came out to California to get a degree so I could make my mom proud and to play football. Back home, I was in a fight every week with someone different, I stole guys’ girlfriends without care and I was about two seconds away from doing something that would land me in jail. I never imagined that on the morning that I met up with Cole outside of his frat house to get the key to our place, I would literally have my eyes bug out of my head at the most gorgeous girl I had ever laid eyes on. Clothed or not. The way she approached us like she was embarrassed about not having clothes on, but she didn’t want us to know, killed me.

I didn’t even know her and I almost grabbed her and threw her on my bike so no one else could have her. I wanted to beat my chest like a caveman, screaming that she was mine. To my utter dumb luck, she lived next door to me. Cole still gave me a hard time about how I made him ask some random sorority girls to sit next to him in class that first day, so that I could get her to sit next to me. I never imagined how she would rock my world off its axis just in that first hour and a half. Almost instantly, she made me a better person just by flashing that mischievous flirtatious smile at me, because I wanted to be worthy of her.

In class that first day, I grabbed her hand and wrote my number on it. The feel of her skin against mine shot electricity instantly throughout my body. I became completely aware of how beautiful she was inside and out. I’ve always tried to write on her palm because I enjoyed that moment of just touching her. I also liked having my mark on her in some way or another; I can’t help it, I’m possessive over her. I tried every opportunity I could to get next to her from then on, and I’ll never regret it.

We didn’t speak or move for what felt like hours, but I think it was only five minutes or so. I just wanted to absorb her heartbeat into mine and reassure myself that she was actually back here in my arms. I needed to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I rubbed my hands up and down her arms that were wrapped around my neck, just needing to feel her soft skin on my fingers. I slowly laced my fingers into her hair inhaling the scent more. If I could get my way, I would carry her out of this airport so I wouldn’t have to put her down. I knew I would eventually I would have to, so I enjoyed the moment as long as I could. Her face was buried in the nook of my neck and I could feel moisture on my skin.

Kimberly Lauren's Books