Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(118)

We walked down to the bike and he immediately went into education mode. “Don’t put your legs down at all. Never touch this,” he pointed to some metal pieces, “it gets really hot. Tap my shoulder, once to slow down and twice if you want me to stop. Always hold my waist and try not to lean against my turns; it’ll make it harder for me.” He was getting nervous.

“Jaxon, I trust you.” I patted each side of his face.

“It’s not me I’m worried about. I’m an excellent rider; I’d never put you in danger. I worry about the other idiots on the road.”

“Jaxon, I trust you,” I repeated and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

He mounted the bike and I swung my leg over to get behind him. I knew I would love this. The way I was molded against his backside was sexy already. He started up the engine and I could feel the vibration underneath me. He ran my hands along his sides and over his stomach until my arms overlapped. I hugged myself even closer to his back.

The ride was exhilarating; he wound up and down the road that ran parallel to the beach. Each turn he made with his body had me pulling in closer. Eventually, I tuned out the ride altogether and focused on the body I was holding onto. My hands started roaming across his stomach and chest, and he quickly pulled over next to an ocean-side picnic area and turned off the engine. I slid off and he followed behind. He unsnapped his helmet and then did the same for me.

“Your roaming hands are a distraction.” He nuzzled into my neck as he picked me up and walked us to a picnic table.

He sat up on the table with his feet on the bench. I laid my head down onto his shoulder. We sat there, enveloped in a peaceful silence while he rubbed my back softly.

“I love you, Jaxon.”

“I love you, Beautiful, more than you can imagine.” The feel of his lips on mine was heaven.

“I think we need to go back home now…” I whispered to him with a guilty smile on my face.

He leaned back to look at me confused, until he saw the lust and desire in my eyes. It hit him hard and I saw the same flames in his. He grabbed me up and almost sprinted back to the bike and I laughed the whole way there.


Five Months Later…

The longest three months of my life were finally coming to an end. If I have any say at all, I’ll never let Emerson be away from me for that long again. But let’s be honest, that girl has me so wrapped around her finger, I’ll do anything she wants. I knew it would be difficult not to wake up next to her every morning, seeing that blonde hair spread out across my pillows or the way she started smiling just a little bit in her sleep. She began doing that after I took her to her parents’ grave before she left. That day was so hard for me; I hated to see her in so much pain. But she got to say what she should have said to her parents long ago, and I could tell when we left she had a little more peace. Damn, I missed that little, peaceful smile, but I never imagined how painful it would be just to be away from her for so long. The fact that I couldn’t talk to her whenever I wanted made it even more difficult. So many times I would wake up in a pool of sweat just needing to call her to make sure she was safe and okay. I could never go back to sleep after those moments, so I got up and went for a run instead. I ran almost every night this summer; at least Coach would be happy.

In the whole three months, she’d only been able to call twice, because they were always so far away from any kind of civilization. Professor Patterson had taken a satellite phone with him but he could only let them use it on rare occasions, because it was so expensive. About a month and half after she left, Ellie, Emerson’s step-mom, got a call that they had been held at gunpoint while crossing the border of Uganda one night. They weren’t supposed to be traveling after dark, but they ended up having to wait at a gas station for three hours just to fill up. Eventually, everything cleared up when the Ugandan police force showed up, but the second I heard, I started searching for tickets online to get to Africa. I didn’t have a clue how to find her, but I was going to. My mom brought me down from that panic. That was the second time she had called. It was such a f*cking relief to hear her voice. She said she knew I would do something crazy so she bribed everyone with candy to let her use the phone first. I had a hard time believing anyone could deny her beautiful face, even without the candy. She told me that when they realized what was happening, Micah made her lay on the floor of the bus and wouldn’t let her even attempt to get up until they were a mile away from the thieves. As much as I hated it, I was in serious debt to him. It’s now been a month and a half since I’ve heard her voice and three months since I dropped her beautiful, tear-stained face off at the airport. Jace called me a * for crying when she left. Hell, I don’t care what he calls me, that girl drives me.

Kimberly Lauren's Books