Bait: The Wake Series, Book One(132)

She didn't hold back and she required very little from me. As she grew closer to her climax she leaned into my face and kissed me. I closed my eyes again and thought of Blake. Images of her riding me and saying my name flooded my intoxicated mind.

I remembered Blake saying, “Then kiss me. Distract me.”

The thought of her moved my lips into motion and I let myself feel the pleasure that Aly gave me. It felt wrong, but so did everything else.

“You can have me, Casey,” she panted. “I'm all yours. I can make you happy.”

Her words filled my ears and in a moment of spontaneous sobriety I flipped us over. This clarity brought home exactly what I was doing, but my body was already doing it and I couldn't stop. It only knew to take what it needed. It was hungry for intimacy.

For nearly two years it had been only Blake. I hadn't been with another woman. There, in my childhood bedroom, I was f*cking a girl who wanted me and dreaming of a girl who I couldn't have yet—according to her.

My hips thrust and I looked away from Aly. I focused on the shelf on the wall.

My childhood trophies. I pounded into her roughly, finding my sea legs in the process.

She moaned my name and told me how good I made her feel. She came and writhed under me. I f*cked her until I came so hard that I had to grind my teeth to keep from screaming another woman's name.

I pushed into her harder than I knew I should. She took it. She took all of it.

“Ahhh!” I yelled as my dick pumped, angrily.

When I was finished I fell back to the bed, to the side of where she laid. “You can stay if you want to, but you can't sleep with me. I can get up and move to another room or you can. It's up to you.”

“I'll stay here,” she said out of breath. “And that's a nice tattoo.”

“What's nice about it?” I said bitterly and left the room.

By the time I awoke, alone in my bed the next morning, she was gone.

The next week was go here. Do this. Be here at this time.

Cory and Micah decided to throw a huge New Year’s Eve party and say their vows in front of their guests instead of having a full-fledged wedding. For that, I was thankful.

Honestly, I knew that Blake was going to be there and even though I'd pledged not to talk to her or communicate with her, until she'd ended things properly with her husband, I couldn't wait to see her.

I was aware that Grant was coming with her on this trip. I didn't like it, but I was curious to watch them together. I wanted to see first-hand. I wanted to see them with each other. Were they flirty? Or were they merely casual and friendly? I needed to know.

It was Friday and my stepmother had arranged a rehearsal dinner of sorts at the golf club my dad belonged to. I showed up a little late, but I showed up. At some point in the afternoon, I'd lost my balls and considered calling in sick to my brother's wedding.

That simply wasn't an option.

So I took a shower and cleaned up as best I could. If I couldn't have her, I'd do my best to make her see what she was missing. It was cruel, but I didn't give a shit.

I was past giving a shit.

I wanted my girl.

I wanted my honeybee.

The banquet hall was full when I walked in. Music played, although I didn’t know what f*cking kind it was. It sounded like standards, but then as I waited on my first drink I thought I heard the singer croon, “How do you want it?” wasn't that a TuPac song? I'd have to ask Cory about the music later.

Then I heard her laughter from across the room. God help me, I missed that laugh.

I turned my back and leaned against the solid cherry bar.

She was wearing a fitted black dress and she had a tiny little colorful thing on her head. It was half mini-veil, half hat. It was kind of weird. I'd seen women where them in magazines, but never in person. It covered the left side of her head, the side that was closest to me. She looked so beautiful, smiling and talking.

A guy came to the bar and ordered a Rum and Coke and a Remy Martin on ice.

Remy Martin on ice. It had to be for her.

My attention turned to him. It was him. I recognized him. I was standing next to Grant.

I took inventory of the man. I'd seen him at their wedding, but only in profile, and definitely not this close. He was dressed sharply in a three-piece suit. He had all-American written all over. Freshly cut dark blond hair, a clean shave, and smelled like cologne.

I hated that f*cking rat-bastard.

M. Mabie's Books