Archangel's Kiss (Guild Hunter #2)(106)
“Give me an example,” Max had said, frustrated that the killer who’d snuffed out so many young lives had managed to slither through another net.
“According to the memories in Bonner’s surface mind, Carissa Starling orgasmed as he stabbed her.”
Shaking off that sickening evidence of Bonner’s warped reality, he glanced at Bart, who’d paused to check an e-mail on his cell phone. “Xiu?” he prompted.
“Yeah, looks like he has some ‘friends’ in high level Psy ranks. His company does a lot of business with them.” Putting away the phone, Bart began to gather up his papers. “But in this, he’s just a shattered father. Daria was his only child.”
“I know.” The face of each and every victim was imprinted on Max’s mind. Twenty-one-year old Daria’s was a gap-toothed smile, masses of curly black hair, and skin the color of polished mahogany. She didn’t look anything like the other victims—unlike most killers of his pathology, Bonner hadn’t differentiated between white, black, Hispanic, Asian. It had only been age and a certain kind of beauty that drew him.
Which turned his thoughts back to the woman who’d stared unblinking into the face of a killer while Max forced himself to stand back, to watch. “She fits his victim profile—Ms. Russo.” Sophia Russo’s eyes, her scars, made her strikingly unique—a critical aspect of Bonner’s pathology. He’d targeted women who would never blend into a crowd—the violence spoken of by Sophia’s scars would, for him, be the icing on the cake. “Did you arrange that?” His hand tightened on a pen as he helped Bart clear the table.
“Stroke of luck.” The prosecutor put the file in his briefcase. “When Bonner said he’d cooperate to a scan, we requested the closest J. Russo had just completed a job here. She’s on her way to the airport now—heading to our neck of the woods as a matter of fact.”
“Liberty?” Max asked, mentioning the maximum-security penitentiary located on an artificial island off the New York coast.
Bart nodded as they walked out and toward the first security door. “She’s scheduled to meet a prisoner who claims another prisoner confessed to the currently unsolved mutilation murder of a high-profile victim.”
Max thought of what Bonner had done to the only one of his victims they’d ever found, the bloody ruin that had been the once-gamine beauty of Carissa Starling. And he wondered what Sophia Russo saw when she closed her eyes at night.
Nalini Singh's Books
- Night Shift (Kate Daniels #6.5)
- Archangel's Blade (Guild Hunter #4)
- Nalini Singh
- Archangel's Consort (Guild Hunter #3)
- Tangle of Need (Psy-Changeling #11)
- Archangel's Shadows (Guild Hunter #7)
- La noche del cazador (Psy-Changeling #1)
- La noche del jaguar (Psy-Changeling #2)
- Caricias de hielo (Psy-Changeling #3)
- Angels' Flight