A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(72)

She sat up and swung her legs off the bed. The sudden action made her lose her balance and pitch forward onto a linoleum floor. She cried out as her knees slammed into the floor. The jolt of pain grounded her a little more. Everything was wavy and hazy, but she pushed onto all fours.

Have to get out of here. Have to call Nathan. Those were the main two thoughts she focused on. She looked around the stark room from her position on the floor. There was the bed she’d just fallen off, a mini-fridge, a table. No windows. The room had an antiseptic scent to it. Fresh but also very sterile. Like a hospital.

She tried to push herself up but couldn’t manage it, so she turned back around and held on to the mattress, using it to stand. On wobbly legs she stood, leaning against the bed to hold herself in place. Before she could think about moving any farther, a door opened.

A man stepped inside. He was taller than her, but not nearly as tall as Nathan. Likely in his early fifties, he had dark hair and a clean-shaven face. He looked nice. Was he here to help her?

“Feeling a little shaky?” the man asked, stepping toward her almost cautiously.

“Yesh.” She slurred the word. Too late she saw something in his hand.

A syringe.

She tried to ward him off, but her arms just Kermit-flailed. All her movements were in slow motion while he moved at warp speed. “No.” The word rasped from her as the syringe pierced her upper arm.

She didn’t even feel the sting, but that haziness was back, sweeping her into darkness once again.

Out of habit, Sid checked the pistol he had tucked into the back of his pants. He’d been called in for a “friendly check-in” as Collette had put it. Bitch thought she had him on a leash. He nearly snorted to himself as he strode down the hall of the warehouse she’d turned into a covert medical center. Maybe she did have him on a leash, because here he was.

She was sexy as fuck and ruthless. He wouldn’t ever admit it aloud, but something about her scared him. He could take her in a one-on-one fight, though, so it was the only reason he’d agreed to meet her in her office alone.

As he strode down the quiet corridor, the only sounds he occasionally heard was weeping from some of the locked-up women. What the hell were they crying about? It wasn’t as if they were being abused. They got the best food and vitamins and got to lie around on their asses for months.

When he reached the wooden door with no identifying markers, he knocked once.

“Come in,” Collette called out.

He stepped inside, fully ready to defend himself, but stopped dead in his tracks. Collette was sitting on the front of her desk, legs spread—and completely naked. He swallowed hard, his gaze traveling down to her bare mound. He already knew she got everything waxed, but it had been months since she let him fuck her.

“You’ve been a bad boy,” Collette murmured, her voice silky smooth and seductive.

His dick immediately stood at attention. He knew that tone well, knew what she wanted.

“Shut the door unless you want to give the doctor a show.” She threw her head back and laughed, loose tendrils of her honey-streaked hair escaping from the messy bun she’d pulled it up into. She had a year-round glow and a perfectly toned body.

Without taking his eyes off her, he reached behind him and shut the door with a barely audible click. “What are you doing?” She had to be pissed at him. This could be a trap.

On guard, he turned and locked the door behind him. Maybe she thought she could distract him with sex and let one of the security guys ambush him. No way in hell. He leaned against the door, keeping distance between them. “Why am I here?”

“You’ve potentially cost me a lot of money.” Her gaze sharpened then.

Knowing it would piss her off, he lifted one shoulder. “No one will track the bodies back to you.”

“Still, we’re going to have to stop bringing in any more women until the heat’s passed.”

Yeah, and he planned to be long gone soon. He hadn’t been willing to split this morning, though. Not when she’d personally called him in. He’d seen one of her guys watching his condo and figured it was a test. She wanted to see how loyal he was. He’d prove his loyalty, or at least give the appearance of it, then run when the time was right. “We’ve already made a big profit. It’s just part of business.”

Her dark eyes narrowed. “So what? You still cost me money because of your carelessness. Now you get to make it up to me.” She stroked a hand between her legs, slid a finger inside herself before slowly drawing it out. “On your knees,” she ordered.

Of their own accord, his hips jerked forward. He remembered how tight she was, how they’d screwed for practically weeks on end when they first met. Looking back, he realized that was how she’d recruited him. He’d have worked for her anyway, especially with the money he made, but the sex had been a nice bonus.

He’d missed fucking someone as free as her. She had absolutely no hang-ups when it came to sex.

Raging hard, he strode across the office and slid between her open thighs. He tugged on her hair, pulling her neck back so she had to look at him.

Pleasure flashed in her dark eyes. She liked a bite of pain and he was more than willing to deliver. But first, he needed to make sure this wasn’t a trap. “You had someone watching me this morning,” he growled.

“Yeah, so?”

Katie Reus's Books