A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(77)

“You sure that’s the only reason?” Collette’s voice had a deadly edge as she took another step closer. She was near the foot of the bed now.

“What other reason would there be? Why am I here?” she demanded, wanting to shift the topic of conversation.

“I told you, profit, though to be fair that’s a secondary reason. For the last two years I’ve sold over a hundred and fifty babies on the black market.” She sounded positively smug as she admitted to the atrocities.

Oh God. The remains of all those women who’d been found. That was why they’d been killed. For their babies. Amelia’s stomach pitched as she stared at Collette. She’d never used the term “evil” lightly before, but right now she knew she was looking into the face of it. “You kidnapped pregnant women?” Amelia slowly slid her hand behind her back and grasped one of the makeshift blades.

Collette rolled her eyes and stepped over to the mini-fridge. She ran a manicured fingernail over the top of it. “Of course not. We take them, impregnate them through IVF, and give them a happy, healthy life for nine months. They should thank us, really. No one cares about them and we’re doing the world a service, selling children to rich families who can take care of them.”

She turned all her focus on Amelia then, her smile glinting dangerous and sharklike. “You’re a little different from them, since you’re established in the community, but I couldn’t take the chance you were talking to the police. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Now you’re out of my way and I’ll make a very nice profit off you. A win-win for me. Besides, knowing it’ll hurt my father makes it worth it. I’m going to have someone move your car so it looks like you returned to the restaurant after I brought you back. So no ties to me.”

“Why would I even suspect you were involved in anything?”

“You came over to my house twice, and I know you weren’t fucking my father. Most women throw themselves at him, but not you. Something about you is off. I just can’t decide whether you’re lying to me or not.”

Freaking crazy bitch. “If I was working with the police or suspected you of pretty much the worst crime I’ve ever heard of, would I have gotten in your car?” Not giving Collette a chance to respond, she continued. “Unless you plan on letting me go, then get the fuck out of here. I’m tired of listening to you talk.”

Rage flared in Collette’s gaze. She stepped closer, mere feet from the edge of the bed now. Energy hummed through Amelia and she hoped it didn’t show in her eyes.

“I don’t let my men touch the product, but I might make an exception for you.” Her words were silky smooth. It was disturbing to see the manic glee in the woman’s eyes. She took another step forward now, her breathing more erratic, as if she was getting pleasure out of telling her. “Maybe I’ll just keep you around as a toy for them. I’ll watch as you—”

Amelia lunged forward. She flew off the bed, lifting the blade in an upward arc.

Surprise flared in Collette’s eyes, but she raised an arm, deflecting the blow from striking her in the chest. She cried out as the jagged edge sliced along her forearm.

Fear detonated inside Amelia. She needed to take Collette down as quickly as possible, before anyone heard them struggling.

Grunting in anger, Collette swung out with her fist, aiming for Amelia’s face. She ducked the blow and kicked at Collette’s knee. The jab from her foot wasn’t as effective as it would have been if she’d been wearing shoes, but Collette’s leg buckled under the pressure.

She fell to her knees, an agonized cry ripping from her throat. Moving on pure instinct, Amelia slashed out with the makeshift blade.

Collette rolled to the side, avoiding the strike. As she moved, she kicked out with her good leg, swiping Amelia’s feet out from under her.

All the air whooshed from her lungs as she fell hard against the floor on her side. Before she could move, Collette was on top of her. Amelia felt a blow to her ribs, then a slap to her face. Her ears rang from the shocks of pain.

She was vaguely aware of the woman snarling something at her, but she tuned it out. She reared back and head-butted Collette. The loud crunch of bone breaking filled the air.

“Bitch!” Collette’s hands went to her face.

Using the only opportunity she might get, Amelia jerked the blade up in one swift strike. It slammed directly into Collette’s chest.

For a moment Collette froze. Her hands dropped and she stared at Amelia with wide eyes. All Amelia could do was stare right back. Then she looked down at the jagged piece of glass deep in the monster’s chest.

She shoved Collette off her. The woman rolled onto her back, gasping sounds escaping her throat, until she simply stopped moving. Amelia scrambled back toward the bed, wanting to put as much distance between them as she could. Then reality crashed over her. She couldn’t wimp out now. She had to get out of here, get help.

Pushing back the bile that threatened her, she stepped around the blood pooling on the floor and patted down Collette’s pockets. No phone and no weapon, but she came up with a set of keys.

Her heart was a staccato drumbeat against her chest, her fingers trembling as she shoved the keys into her pocket and then tugged off Collette’s boots.

When Amelia was dumped in here, they’d taken her shoes, and she might need them in her escape. The boots were a little loose, but they’d do.

Katie Reus's Books