A Chip and a Chair (Seven of Spades, #5)(29)

“That’s it.” Dominic squeezed Levi’s ass hard. “You like that?”


Dominic closed his eyes and licked his dry lips. He was not going to come before Levi. Condom or no condom, he had better stamina than that.

He opened his eyes when he felt he could control himself. And suddenly, although this position gave him a delicious view, it wasn’t what he wanted anymore. He wanted, needed, to see Levi’s face. Plus, neither of them could easily reach Levi’s cock like this.

When he pulled out, he almost came at Levi’s angry noise of protest. He gripped his balls, breathed deeply, and then stroked a hand down Levi’s side.

“C’mere.” He turned Levi around and picked him up again. Levi let himself be manhandled, all but dead weight as Dominic carried him to the dining table, kicked a chair aside, and laid him on his back with his ass at the edge. Once Dominic had eased himself inside, he grabbed the backs of Levi’s knees, spread Levi’s legs wide, and resumed his earlier savage pace.

Levi’s response was immediate and intense. His eyes fell shut, his head tipping back as his spine arched right off the table; both of his hands shot out to clutch at the edge. His cock jutted up furiously, twitching and dripping a steady stream of pre-come.

Oh, yes. Dominic could give Levi everything he needed in this position, pound into him deep and hard with absolute freedom of movement, and have the privilege of watching Levi’s beautiful face while he did so.

He drank in the sight before him: the hectic flush splashed across cut-glass cheekbones, slender lips bitten to a deep rose, unruly curls plastered to Levi’s forehead with sweat. Levi’s eyes fluttered open every now and then, and the flashes of gray Dominic caught were entirely glazed over.

Levi wasn’t making as much noise as he usually did, though. Under normal circumstances, Levi’s shouts and screams during sex were loud enough to disturb the neighbors. They had been, earlier, but since the move to the table, Levi had gone uncharacteristically quiet. His jaw was clenched, allowing only the occasional deep grunt or ragged gasp to escape his pressed lips.

He hadn’t touched his cock, either; both of his hands were still clinging for dear life to the edge of the table on either side of his hips. But that could just be to keep Dominic’s forceful thrusts from sending him halfway across the surface.

Curious, Dominic reached for Levi’s erection. Levi batted him away, shook his head without opening his eyes, and returned his hand to its previous position.

“God.” Dominic’s heart raced faster, his hips speeding up as well. “Are you gonna . . .”

Levi nodded, his face strained, his eyes screwed tightly shut.

“Fuck.” Dominic had only seen Levi do this twice before, and it had blown his mind both times.

He could help, too. Hooking his arms around Levi’s thighs, he lifted Levi’s ass off the table and changed angles, searching . . . there, if Levi’s choked cry and seizing muscles were any indication.

Dominic hammered Levi’s prostate, drowning in the pleasure of it, transfixed by the miracle of Levi’s body. Levi grew quieter and quieter, until he was barely even breathing. The cords in his neck stood out sharply; his defined abdominal muscles quivered and rippled and clenched. In Dominic’s peripheral vision, he could see Levi’s toes curled up tight.

They hovered there for a moment, suspended right on the edge.

“Come on, baby,” Dominic panted through his own harsh breaths. “Let me see you, come on-”

Levi screamed, the shattered, endless wail of pent-up pressure abruptly released. His body snapped into a rigid arc, his hands, shoulders, and head the only parts of him still touching the table. His cock jerked violently as he came untouched, pulse after creamy pulse spurting onto his stomach, his chest. A particularly ambitious jet made it all the way to the hollow of his throat.

That was it for Dominic. He dropped Levi’s legs, fell forward onto his hands, and thrust wildly through his own climax while Levi’s spasming muscles milked him dry.

After he’d come, Dominic couldn’t stop rocking his hips-slow, gentle thrusts into the mess he’d made of Levi’s body. Levi was quaking and gasping beneath him, shuddering viciously with sporadic aftershocks. He looked like he’d taken several hard blows to the head.

Careful to support most of his own weight, Dominic showered Levi’s face with light kisses. “God, Levi, you’re perfect,” he murmured. He lapped up the come from Levi’s throat, then nuzzled his jaw. “I love you so much.”

“I love you.” Levi lifted Dominic’s face and kissed him, though he was too out of breath to maintain that for long. He pressed a hand to the tattoo on Dominic’s chest. “I love you.”

Eventually, they had to separate. Dominic pulled out, grimacing in sympathy at the sound of discomfort Levi made, and then lifted Levi’s legs so he could see that wrecked, come-drenched hole.

“You really like seeing your come inside me, don’t you?” Levi said with drowsy amusement.

Like was way too mild a word to describe how this made Dominic feel. “Yeah.”

“I like feeling it.”

Smiling, Dominic gently lowered Levi’s legs. As his brain cleared, he realized that he’d never undressed himself beyond his shirt; his open jeans were smeared with oil stains that would probably never come out.

Cordelia Kingsbridge's Books