A Chip and a Chair (Seven of Spades, #5)(27)

Of those he’d identified, about half had no criminal records and no remarkable details in their background checks, while the other half were either known or suspected members of Utopia. A good chunk of both groups were students at UNLV.

A Utopia safe house, no doubt about it. People came and went so frequently that they couldn’t be using it as a temporary residence; given the number of students among the visitors, he suspected it served more as some combination of meeting place and recruitment center.

Most troubling was how many people entered the house carrying bags and packages, then left empty-handed. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something much worse than bureaucracy was lurking behind that ordinary fa?ade, and he was consumed by a yearning to see what was inside. That would be all kinds of illegal, of course, but what really held him back was the fact that the house was never empty.

The afternoon was fading into twilight when Levi called. Dominic answered without taking his eyes off the house. “Hey, baby. What’s up?”

“I found it,” Levi said, his voice thin with what could have been either stress or excitement.

Rebel cocked her head, eyeing the phone. Dominic rubbed her ear reassuringly. “Found what?”

“The ketamine!” Levi continued, speaking faster and faster, stumbling over his words as they poured out. “There was a veterinarian, and I knew something wasn’t right, and he’s dead and his house and office are fake, and there was a safe full of ketamine, full of it-”

“Levi!” When Levi came to a panting halt, Dominic said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Slow down.”

Levi started over and told him the story of his day from the beginning. Dominic’s mouth fell open while he listened, relief and elation blossoming in his chest, the Utopia safe house all but forgotten.

“Oh my God,” he said once Levi had finished. “This is-this is huge.”

“I know. I’m almost home; are you going to be finished with work soon?”

Dominic recognized the edge in Levi’s voice. It was the same way he sounded after he’d been in a fight-that hint of wildness, of frantic, triumphant desire that could only be gratified one way.

“I can leave now if you want me to.” Dominic was already turning the key in the ignition. Carson and his merry band of Nazis could wait.

“Yes. Please.”

“I’m on my way.”

“Hurry,” Levi said, and hung up.

Levi must have been waiting for him by the door, because no sooner had Dominic re-engaged the locks than Levi jumped into his arms. Dominic caught him with a startled grunt, clasping his hands securely beneath Levi’s ass. Levi had never done that before.

He was vaguely aware of Rebel scampering deeper into the apartment, but most of his focus was commanded by the arms Levi had locked around his neck and the aggressive kiss Levi was ravishing him with. Walking as best he could with an armful of sexy detective kissing the fuck out of him, he lurched into the kitchen and then dropped Levi on the island in the center of the room. Levi bumped the spice rack, knocking it over and sending little jars rolling everywhere.

Dominic tore his mouth away from Levi’s to cover his throat with kisses instead. “You’re amazing, baby. I knew you’d do it. You’re unstoppable.”

“I almost gave up.” Levi tilted his head to one side, giving Dominic more room to work.

Dominic scoffed against his skin. “No, you didn’t. You never, ever give up, even when you probably should. I love that about you.”

Moaning, Levi scrabbled at the hem of Dominic’s shirt and tugged it up. Dominic had dressed for his landscaping cover in an old T-shirt and jeans, so it was the work of seconds to strip the shirt off and toss it aside. He paused for a moment, processing his surge of arousal at the way Levi was ogling his bare chest, before he gave Levi’s T-shirt the same treatment.

Wait . . . T-shirt? Dominic blinked at Levi’s sweatpants. “Did you change when you got home?”

“I wanted to make it easier for you to fuck me.”

Dominic hooked his fingers in Levi’s waistband. Levi pushed himself up on his hands, holding his body in midair with only the strength of his arms while Dominic got rid of the pants and revealed nothing underneath them.

“You could have waited for me naked,” Dominic teased.

“Oh my God, stop talking.” Levi raked his fingers reprovingly through Dominic’s chest hair and then wrenched at his fly. “I need your cock.”

Dominic loved that Levi was such a hungry, assertive bottom, rarely shy about demanding what he wanted during sex-and what he usually wanted was to be fucked deep and hard by a big cock, the size queen.

Moving swiftly, Dominic yanked Levi off the island, spun him around, and shoved him face-first over the marble edge. Levi was still gasping when Dominic sank to his knees and buried his face in Levi’s ass.

“Ah!” Levi spread his legs, canting his hips to push his ass against Dominic’s face. “Fuck, Dominic . . .”

Dominic spread Levi’s ass cheeks with both hands and ate him out sloppily, ravenously, holding nothing back in his worship of that perfect hole. It wasn’t long before he had to drop one of his hands into his own lap to finish what Levi had started, pulling his zipper down the rest of the way and freeing his erection. He jerked himself off while he fucked Levi with his tongue, delighting in the soft moans and cries above him.

Cordelia Kingsbridge's Books