A Chip and a Chair (Seven of Spades, #5)(28)

When he had to take a break to catch his breath, he kept a hand on Levi’s ass, massaging his thumb in circles around Levi’s rim. Goddamn, he wanted inside. But he didn’t have any lube on him, and the thought of leaving Levi to fetch some was physically painful.

As he knelt on the kitchen floor, stretching his aching jaw, his eyes fell on the low, open shelving in the island-more specifically, on the decanter of pure artisanal olive oil he kept there. Nothing but the best for a Russo.

He considered it for a moment, then shrugged. If olive oil had been good enough for the ancient Greeks, it was good enough for them.

Grabbing the bottle, Dominic rose to his feet. Levi’s chest and open palms were pressed to the island’s surface, his face turned to one side, his eyes shut. Bent over with Dominic standing behind him, he was terribly vulnerable, but his body was relaxed. Trusting.

He felt safe.

Overcome, Dominic leaned forward and laid a line of kisses along Levi’s spine. Levi hummed and arched his back, never opening his eyes.

Dominic poured a few drops of olive oil onto the fingers of his right hand. He smoothed his clean hand over Levi’s back, then abruptly plunged his slick fingers into Levi’s hole, filling Levi the way he’d been begging for.

Levi groaned and bucked against the island. Dominic showed no mercy, pumping his fingers in and out, twisting and corkscrewing them, working Levi open. The oil had a nice slippery slide to it, and he wondered how long it would take Levi to notice—

A frisson of tension rippled through Levi’s body-nothing so intense as anxiety, more like confusion. Sure enough, he propped himself on his forearms and looked over his shoulder with a furrowed brow. “What is-”

Dominic grasped Levi’s nape, forced him flat on his belly again, and thrust his fingers in deep. “Stay down and take it,” he growled.

Levi let out a shuddering gasp, his legs shifting wider and his body opening up further. The change was so profound that Dominic was able to get a third finger inside without any resistance. He held Levi down and finger-fucked him roughly, almost brutally; he couldn’t help but rut his throbbing cock against Levi’s hip at the way Levi squirmed and cried out.

Every element of Levi’s body language screamed pleasure, and they had a safeword besides, but Dominic still draped himself over Levi to whisper in his ear. “Is this okay?”

“Yes. Don’t stop.”

Dominic nipped the shell of Levi’s ear before he straightened up and got back to business. He changed tack, returning to two fingers, seeking Levi’s prostate, and then rapidly pulsing his fingertips against it in a way he knew drove Levi insane. This time, however, he didn’t let up, not even when Levi was straining onto the balls of his feet and clawing at the island, shouts ringing off the kitchen walls.

Dominic didn’t stop until he saw that Levi was about to come, frotting against the marble even though that must have been uncomfortable. He withdrew his fingers, and Levi slumped onto the island, his back heaving. Though Dominic couldn’t see Levi’s erection where it was trapped between his stomach and the counter, he was sure there was a lake of pre-come under there by now.

Staring at Levi’s flushed, glistening hole, he stroked his oiled hand along his own swollen cock. God, that felt good, and it would feel even better once he was inside.

Only then did he realize the mistake he’d made in his lust-addled state: They couldn’t use a condom now. Olive oil would destroy the latex.

He stilled. Fuck. They’d both been tested when they’d gotten back together, and all of the results had been negative, but technically, technically, they were supposed to wait for the three-month re-test before having unprotected sex again.

He didn’t care. Really, truly, did not give a shit. Any risk was negligible at this point, and he needed to bury himself in Levi’s body so badly he was shaking.

Levi looked back again, no doubt puzzled by the delay. His eyes flicked from Dominic to the bottle on the island, and he blinked as he came to the same realization Dominic had.

“You can do it,” he said quietly. “It’s okay with me if it’s okay with you.”

Well, nobody had ever accused Dominic of being risk-averse.

Gripping Levi’s hip with one hand, he guided himself to Levi’s hole and pushed inside. Between the rimjob and the aggressive finger-fucking, Levi had been so well-prepared that Dominic was able to get halfway in before Levi’s habitual internal tension halted his progress.

He was glad for the excuse to start off slowly, because it felt like years since the last time he’d fucked Levi bareback, rather than a couple of months. Sex with a condom just didn’t compare. The scorching heat, the shiver-inducing slide of the oil, the way he could feel every twitch and clench of those tight muscles around his cock . . .

He pulled all the way back, then pushed inside again, a long, drawn-out penetration that Levi always responded to well. Levi was needier than usual today; a few rolls of the hips, and Dominic was bottoming out in no time.

As soon as Dominic knew Levi could take it, he picked up the pace, driving in harder and harder until his balls were smacking loudly against Levi’s ass and they were both grunting on every thrust. Levi had his forehead pressed to the island now instead of his cheek, his restless hands roaming the surface and finding no purchase on the marble.

Dominic grasped Levi’s nape, since Levi had enjoyed that so much before. He used that and his hold on Levi’s hip to yank Levi’s body backward onto his cock with as much force as he was slamming forward into it. Levi greeted the rough treatment with an urgent, approving cry, his hips bucking.

Cordelia Kingsbridge's Books