Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(22)

She frowned down at the big wolf. “I had that handled, you know.” This earned her another low growl. Eyes widening, she put a hand on her hip. “Oh, no, you didn’t! You did not just growl at me! You’ve got no claim on me yet, Cujo. Not technically. So until you do, I’ll thank you not to butt into my business!”

She swore the wolf looked shocked as she whirled and headed up the path toward the wading pool. Of course she felt terrible about Nick finding her and Rolan locking lips. She also understood that as a shifter, his possessive nature would always take over in a situation like that. But she’d be damned if he would show his fangs and growl at her in anger!

As she reached the pond, a sharp tug on the back of her dress brought her up short. Turning, she made a sound of frustration and grabbed the material of her dress, trying to free it from the wolf’s teeth.

“Let go of me,” she hissed.

He did—and reared up, planting his two big front paws in her midsection and knocking her off balance. Losing her footing, she hit the ground on her ass with an umph. Immediately, he took advantage of his much greater weight and bore her to the ground, pushing her flat on her back as he settled himself on top, paws on her chest and his muzzle right in her face.

“Get off of me, you big fur ball.” She shoved at him, but there was no way she could dislodge his bulk.

He didn’t move a muscle, and she found herself peering into very familiar midnight blue eyes. Eyes that were filled with remorse. This time, when his ears flattened against his head, he let out a soft whine. He looked completely pitiful, his expression the classic portrait of a canine who’d been caught being very bad.

It melted her heart into a puddle of goo. But she wasn’t ready to give in.

“Oh, you’re sorry, huh?” She scowled at him. “Change into a man and tell me yourself.”

Another whine. Then a soft pink tongue snaked out and began licking her face and neck. It tickled and she shrieked in spite of herself, then started laughing even as she commanded him to stop. That only encouraged him more, and he had her wriggling to get away.

“Nick! Stop it!”

Finally, the licking stopped and he gazed into her face again. This time, his expression was . . . hungry. There was no mistaking the arousal in those eyes. Uh-oh.

“Um, Nick—”

Lowering his muzzle, he carefully took the strap of her dress in his teeth—and ripped it in half.

“Whoa! Wait a second!”

He ripped the other one, then met her gaze in challenge before he started on the bodice.

“Nick! If we’re doing this, we’re sure not doing it with you as a wolf,” she said firmly. “I’m no prude, but I don’t do furry.”

At that, he snorted. Then his body began to waver. Re-form. He never moved off her, and in seconds she found herself partially undressed and covered head to toe with a sexy, delicious man. A yummy naked man.

“Is this more like it?”

Oh, hell, yes.


Nick’s deep voice, the raw desire on his handsome face, made Calla shiver. Reaching up, she swept a lock of black hair from his gorgeous eyes. “Yes, that’s much better.”

His mouth took hers in a deep kiss. A kiss of possession and passion, nothing at all like the poor excuse of a kiss she’d shared with Rolan. It wasn’t the prince’s fault, though. Nick was the man who pushed her buttons, made her body sing. His touch was electric, sparking every nerve ending and leaving her panting for more.

Levering himself up, he broke the kiss and used one hand to finish destroying the front of her dress. The fabric gave as he ripped downward, leaving her breasts exposed. He made a sound of appreciation deep in his throat as he stared, realizing that she hadn’t been wearing a bra.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She ran a hand down his back, smoothing her palm over one taut ass cheek. “So are you.”

His cock hardened against her bare thigh, driving the hunger between them even higher. She wanted to feel every inch of him sliding inside.

“Please,” she said. “It’s been so long.”

“For me, too.” His finger traced her lower lip.


“Yes. I’ve sought companionship, but I haven’t wanted—needed—anyone, until you.”

She didn’t want to think of him finding sexual relief with other women, and yet still being lonely. Instead, she focused on the blossoming joy that he was admitting to wanting something more with her.

“I need you, too,” she whispered.

Flashing her a brief smile, he lowered his head and took one of her nipples between his lips. It tightened instantly, reacting to the multiple pleasures of his tongue and the wet nub being exposed to the evening air. She arched into him, stroking his hair, loving the silky texture as he laved her breasts.

It soon became clear he wanted the rest of her outfit gone. Impatiently, he split the rest of the offending garment down the middle and parted it, letting the material flutter to the ground. Bared to his heated gaze, she wore only a skimpy pair of lacy black thong panties.

“All for me.”

“Yes,” she agreed. Suddenly he moved off her and held out a hand. Puzzled, she took it and let him pull her up. “Where are we going?”

“Over there.”

J.D. Tyler's Books