Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(19)

“So, why don’t you introduce me to some of your friends?”

Tarron accepted the change of subject gracefully. “I’d love to. Though I wouldn’t call most of them friends,” he said under his breath, for Nick’s ears only. “Present company excluded.”

Nick flashed him a smile. He wouldn’t exactly call Tarron and himself friends yet, either, but the potential was there. As long as the man didn’t drain him dry for messing with his sister.

That brought a host of unpleasant memories and he fought to retain his hard-won calm. He fought to forget where he was, and among whom. His men were here, and between all of them they could put up a good fight if need be.

That didn’t stop the cold sweat from breaking out underneath his dress shirt. Or his heart from racing like he’d been jacked with speed. Fuck’s sake, calm yourself or they’ll sense your fear. And then what? Converge on you like a pack of rabid dogs?

Here, at a social gathering in which almost everyone hoped to gain something, and were all under Tarron’s protection, that was highly unlikely. Nick told himself that until it sank in and he finally began to breathe easier.

In truth, most of the vampires he met were friendly and entertaining. Some downright boisterous. One in particular, a teenage vampire named Daegan, whom Nick’s team had rescued from rogues a few weeks ago and brought to Tarron, was charming and funny, putting everyone around him in a good mood. The young man had adjusted well.

“Nick, I’d like you to meet Prince Rolan Stanislav, from the Russian territory,” Tarron said smoothly. “Rolan, Commander Nick Westfall, of the Alpha Pack team here in America. Those guys are great allies to have, my friend.”

Rolan nodded, giving Nick a small smile and holding out his hand. “It is nice to meet you,” he said in a heavy accent. “I don’t believe we have met.”

“No, but same here. Good to meet you.” Nick eyed the tall platinum blond prince. “Russia . . . that’s a hell of a long way.”

The prince shrugged. “Not so long when we can teleport. Though it does take several minutes rather than seconds to cross such a long distance.”

“So, how do you know Tarron?”

“We met perhaps sixty years ago at a gathering similar to this one, but in my country. We have kept in touch. Unlike myself and his beautiful sister.” The Russian turned to Tarron. “Where is Calla hiding?”

Nick’s wolf began to growl, low and dangerous, and he silenced it with an effort.

“She’s here somewhere— Oh, here she comes,” Tarron said.

They turned and watched Calla weave her way through the crowd toward them. Nick nearly swallowed his tongue at the sight of the princess.

She wore a classic sleeveless little black dress with a plunging neckline that showed a hint of the swell of her breasts. The hem stopped a few inches above the knee, and his gaze automatically traveled the length of her slender legs all the way to her strappy high heels.

Holy Mother of God.

Her attention went straight to Nick, and she gave him a wide smile. “Hey, there! You made it.”

She walked right into his arms and hugged him close, although briefly, and turned her head so he could place a kiss on her cheek. Not quite the claim he would have enjoyed staking for everyone to see, but it was early days yet. He hadn’t missed how she’d had eyes only for him, and that soothed him and his wolf somewhat.

After letting him go, she turned and greeted Prince Rolan, but not nearly as warmly as she’d greeted Nick, he noted with satisfaction. However, he didn’t miss how the prince’s face lit with pleasure at her attention.

“Calla, you’re looking radiant,” the prince said, taking one of her hands in both of his. “How have you been?”

“I’m doing well, Prince Rolan. And you?”

“Better now that you have graced us with your shining light.” He kissed her hand. “Would you do me the honor of taking a walk with me?”

Shining light? Nick thought sourly. The vampire can’t be just handsome, titled, and rich? He has to be f*cking Shakespeare, too?

And his wolf was growling again. Thankfully nobody heard.

“Um, well . . .” Calla caught her brother’s eye and he nodded. “All right. I suppose a brief stroll would be good exercise.”

Rolan’s smile was pleased. “Very good. Shall we?”

Anxiety joined the party along with the slow burn of anger. Possessiveness. The vampire was gazing at Calla in naked interest, as though she was the reason he’d come tonight—not stuffy politics. He was more than happy to leave his colleagues behind to enjoy a “stroll” with Calla.

She threw Nick an apologetic look as they walked away, which mollified him a little.

“I invited him,” Tarron said ruefully.

“What?” He rounded on the vampire.

“I asked him to come because Rolan has been interested in Calla for ages, but the timing has never been right. I thought they’d make a good couple.”

“Well, I don’t f*cking think they would,” Nick snarled.

“To clarify, however, I invited him before I got wind of something going on between you and my sister.” He pinned Nick with a glare of his own. “I’m not that manipulative or dishonorable.”

“Good to know.” Fists clenched, Nick looked away, still pissed.

J.D. Tyler's Books