Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(18)

With a sigh, he made one last adjustment on his tie, then left his quarters and made his way to the recreation room. Jax, Hammer, Aric, and Micah were supposed to meet him there, where they’d be picked up by the coven’s guards and teleported to the stronghold. All of them except for Hammer, whose Psy gift happened to be teleportation. A handy skill. As disorienting as that form of travel was to shifters, it beat hours in a plane or helicopter.

Nick walked into the rec room, and all eyes fixed on his attire. Predictably, the comments were teasing but good-natured.

“Jesus, who’s having a funeral?” Ryon cracked.

“I didn’t even know he owned a suit,” Zan said.

From his position sprawled on the sofa, Kalen eyed him. “Nick, is that you? Hey, you clean up okay.”

“Well, I happen to think he looks rather handsome,” Mac said in his defense, bouncing baby Kai on her hip. That earned her a frown from Kalen, which she ignored.

“Thanks, Mac,” Nick said, then rolled his eyes. “Christ, people, haven’t you ever seen a guy dressed up before? We need better entertainment around here.”

Snickers sounded and he ignored them. The heat was taken off him when his chosen men for the evening walked in dressed in similar dark suits. Another round of razzing ensued, followed by verbal heartfelt relief from those who weren’t chosen to go.

“Sounds boring as hell, making nice with a bunch of uptight, prissy vampires,” Kalen said. “Have fun with that.”

“Their bunch can be pretty snooty,” Ryon put in.

Zan arched a dark brow. “So, you’re taking one for the team in the name of political alliance? That’s your story?”

“And I’m sticking to it,” Nick confirmed.

A few knowing grins and glances were exchanged, but he didn’t rise to the bait. Let them think what they wanted. They probably weren’t far from wrong.

Their escort showed, appearing outside and knocking rather than popping into the room. A common courtesy observed, same as not barging into the house of someone you don’t know very well.

“We’ve been invited to stay overnight as Tarron’s guests,” Nick told him as they walked out. “So don’t wait up.”

“Be safe, dear,” Kalen called out. “Use protection!” The others laughed.

“Idiot,” Nick muttered.

As much as they annoyed him sometimes, though, there was a time not so long ago when his men hadn’t felt comfortable enough with him to joke around. Except for Kalen, they’d all served under the team’s late commander, Terry Noble, and the teasing meant they’d come a long way toward accepting Nick since Terry’s death. He had to admit it was kind of nice.

Outside, the vampire guards were waiting and each one took hold of one of their arms. Even Hammer, though the big man protested. Apparently, Tarron’s men took their jobs seriously.

After a few disorienting seconds, they appeared in a gigantic ballroom Nick hadn’t seen on their previous stay at the vampire stronghold. The space was stunning, with crystal chandeliers hanging overhead, glittering crystal glasses of every type of liquor, not to mention crimson liquid his wolf could smell was blood. Either donated or purchased through a blood bank, of course.

Long tables were filled with food at each end of the room because vampires did have to eat, same as anyone else. Pleasant music—and he used that phrase loosely—was being piped in through hidden speakers, but there was also an area set up for a live orchestra to perform later. Likely more elevator music.

Idly, Nick wondered what they would do if he found the sound system and blasted in a little Alice in Chains or Slipknot.

Before he could be seriously tempted, Tarron spotted him and headed over, a welcoming smile on his face. He stuck out a hand and Nick shook it.

“Commander, so glad you could come! Calla told me she invited you and some of your men to join the festivities. A bit of PR between species never hurts, I say.”

Nick wasn’t here for the damned PR, but wisely refrained from saying so.


Tarron greeted Nick’s men and shook their hands as well before turning back to him. “You’re completely healed, I hope. You had us all worried last week.” The vampire studied him with genuine concern.

“I’m good as new. Thanks for asking.” Just then, a waiter stopped by and held out a tray loaded with beer, wine, and champagne. Nick snagged a glass of beer and the man hurried off. “Is the waitstaff all vampire?”

“Mostly, with a shifter or some other creature thrown in here and there. For events like these, I always have to hire some staff from the outside, and there aren’t many humans I trust.”

“I hate to break it to you, but there are plenty of our kind that aren’t trustworthy, either.”

“True. But at least if things go south, the fewer humans in on our secrets, or in the line of fire, the better.”

“Also true,” Nick conceded. He couldn’t stop himself from searching the crowd as they spoke.

“Looking for my sister?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Probably only to me.” There were questions in the vampire’s eyes, and hovering on his lips. That much was obvious, too. But either he’d decided to respect his sister’s wishes on prying further, or he’d given up on getting answers before they were ready to be given.

J.D. Tyler's Books