Undone by Her Tender Touch (Pregnancy & Passion #4)(38)

He pulled her in close, anchoring her head in the hollow of his neck. His heart tripped frantically against her cheek and she inhaled deeply, wanting to capture his essence and imprint it in her memory.

He didn’t speak but neither did she. Anything she’d say would only ruin the moment and anything he’d likely say she wouldn’t want to hear. So she was content to let things lie.

She closed her eyes, knowing that when she woke again, he’d be gone. Just like the other times. She’d wake to an empty bed and an even emptier heart.

She threw her arm and a leg over him, knowing it was pointless but unable to resist the urge to keep him close for as long as she could. Then she snuggled deeper into his embrace and allowed the veil of sleep to overcome her.

* * *

Cam woke in a cold sweat, the horror of his dream still alive and vivid in his mind. For a moment he stared into the darkness, still reliving every moment.

The accident that had taken Elise and Colton from him had been replayed in slow motion. He’d experienced the horrific, numbing helplessness of knowing he couldn’t save them. But still, he’d run toward the wreckage, his heart in his throat, praying with everything he had that this time would be different. That this time he’d find them alive.

Only when he’d gotten there, it had been Pippa’s bloodied face he’d seen, the last, pained cry of their newborn son he’d heard.

Desperate to get away and to make the awful vision disappear, he shoved hastily out of the bed, Pippa’s sleepy murmur of protest dim in his ears.

He yanked on his clothing, nearly tripping in his haste to be gone. He stumbled through her apartment to the front door and lunged into the night, gulping huge, steadying breaths into burning lungs.

He palmed his forehead as he made his way to his car and fumbled with the lock. He got in and slumped against the seat and sat there several long minutes, staring through the windshield, trying to bring to mind Elise’s features.

But it wasn’t his beloved wife he saw every time he closed his eyes. It was Pippa.


Pippa struggled out of bed the next morning. She should be euphoric. She’d had a terrific turnout for her grand opening. She’d spent a wonderful evening with Cam and an even better night in bed. But as she’d known, even though she’d awakened before dawn to get to her café, Cam had been gone.

She trudged into her shop, feeling thoroughly down. The two people she’d hired to help her bake in the mornings arrived shortly after she did and they worked in silence, Pippa shunning any attempt at conversation.

She needed time to think. Or rather time to berate herself for being such a weak ninny. Cam was…well, he was manic and it was driving her insane. She couldn’t continue like this.

Oh, who was she kidding. All the man had to do was smile at her, offer an apology and take her to bed. She’d never envisioned herself as one of those gullible women she and her friends liked to rag on. But apparently Pippa was smart in every aspect except men and relationships.

It was just a few minutes to opening when Pippa’s cell phone rang. It was Ashley’s ringtone and Pippa felt some of her tension ease. Ashley always made her feel better.

“You’re up early this morning. Baby keeping you awake?” Pippa asked as she put the phone to her ear.

“Pippa, it’s Devon.”

He sounded harried and there was a terse quality to his voice that immediately put her on edge.

“Where’s Ashley?” Pippa demanded.

“We’re at the hospital. She’s in labor and wanted me to call you. I can’t reach her mother and she’s in a panic. I think she just wants some female company. I’m driving her crazy.”

Pippa smiled. “It’s all right, Dev. I’m on my way. Hang in there.”

Devon’s relief was palpable. “Thanks, Pippa.”

She rang off and then gave her employees instructions for running the shop in her absence. Leaving her business on its second day wasn’t at all what she wanted but she wasn’t about to leave Ashley when she needed her most.

After making sure they’d call her if any issues arose, Pippa hurried out the door to hail a cab. She could call John, but she didn’t want to wait even that long to get to the hospital. She was nervous and excited to be with Ashley on the big day, but if she were honest, she’d admit that the whole delivery thing scared the bejebus out of her.

She wasn’t yet prepared for that aspect of her pregnancy; she’d been existing in ignorant bliss. Childbirth itself was the part of all the pregnancy books she skipped over. She knew all about the nine months leading up to it. She knew all about what happened after the delivery. But she’d blocked out any information about the actual delivery of the baby.

Not smart, but hey, a girl did what she had to just to get through.

Once at the hospital she stopped by the information desk to find out Ashley’s room number and then headed up to the maternity ward. She tapped on Ashley’s door, half-afraid of what she’d see on the other side.

Devon opened the door and looked relieved to see her there. Pippa hesitantly peeked around Devon, happy when she saw Ashley propped in the bed looking none the worse for wear. Ashley’s face brightened when she saw Pippa.

“Pippa! I’m so glad you’re here.”

Pippa smiled and went over to the bed to enfold Ashley in a hug. “Hey, you. How’s it going? When’s that baby going to get here?”

Maya Banks's Books