Twisted Perfection (Perfection #1)(43)

I opened my legs wider and fell back on my hands letting my chest stick out toward him. “Harder, Woods. I need it harder,” I begged and I watched as the controlled pleasure in his eyes snapped and a wild look took its place. His hands grabbed my hips and he began to slam into me as his eyes watched each bounce of my br**sts.

“This hard enough for you,” he asked, in a strangled whisper.

“More, harder,” I replied.

He pulled out of me and jerked me off the table then spun me around. “Grab the table,” he ordered and his hands pulled my hips back a second before he was filling me up again in one hard thrust. “This hard enough for you, sweetheart?” he asked as he pounded into me from behind. I held onto the table and threw my head back. I was so close to another orgasm and I knew this time it would be more intense. Having him inside me always made it incredible.

A loud slap surprised me then a stinging pain before his hand began caressing the spot on my bottom he’d just spanked. Oh. I liked that. “Damn, this ass looks good with my hand print,” he groaned.

I pressed back and he did the same to the other cheek. I cried out and squeezed the walls of my vagina holding him tighter inside.

“Fuck baby,” he cried out in response.

“I’m gonna come,” I squealed just as the ecstasy began pumping through my veins. Woods’ hand reached around me and muffled my cries as his body shuddered behind me and he moaned my name over and over as his body jerked inside mine several times.

We stayed like that a few moments until our bodies began to relax as we came down off our high. His hand fell away from my mouth and I felt a trail of kisses across my back. “So good. It’s always mind blowing with you, Della.”

His words made my chest swell. It was the same for me but he was one of three guys I’d slept with so I didn’t have a lot to compare this to.

He pulled out of me slowly causing another gasp from me. Then his mouth was on my bottom. He was kissing the stinging skin he’d spanked just moments earlier. If he continued this sweetness I was going to cling to him and never let him go.

“So perfect,” he said against my heated skin.

I looked over my shoulder at him on his knees kissing my ass and smiled. “I liked it. You don’t have to keep kissing it.”

He grinned up at me and took a swift lick. “I like seeing my hand here. You’re branded.”

I giggled at him and he stood up running his hands up my body on his way. Both his hands settled on my br**sts and he held their weight in his hands. “I need to mark these as mine too. Not sure how to do that yet.” He said against my ear. I enjoyed his touch and let my head fall back on his shoulder.

“Hmmm,” I replied.

“Can’t spank them. Maybe I need to bite them,” he said in a husky whisper causing me to shiver.

“You like that. You want me to bite them?” He let out a sigh. “You’re too sexy, Della. I’m so sucked in I can’t think straight. Right now I just want to slide back inside you and stay there. You’re gonna kill me, girl.”

Smiling to myself I turned around in his arms.

“You keep talking to me like that and I’m going to start begging for more,” I told him.

Woods cocked one eyebrow. “You want more already?”

I nodded.

Woods let out a small curse. “I only have one condom here. It was a just in case one.”

A knock on Woods door stopped both of us from figuring out what to do now.

“Woods?” Tripp’s voice called out from the other side of the door.

Woods reached for my discarded bra and began dressing me. I would have helped him but he was faster than I would have been. When he had my shirt on he pulled my skirt down and began fixing his jeans.

“Yeah,” he called out as he ran his hand through his hair and winked at me. He walked over to the door and opened it.

Tripp walked in and his eyes found me and then they went back to Woods.

“I was just leaving,” I said with a smile that was more forced than anything. I could see in Tripp’s eyes he knew exactly what we had been doing in here.

“I’ll call you later,” Woods said as I passed him and I nodded but kept my eyes on the exit.


I watched Della leave and wondered if I’d done the wrong thing letting Tripp see us like this. Her hair had been mussed, her lips swollen, and the look of satisfied female was oozing from her. I wanted Tripp to see that she was mine. That she wanted to be mine. But maybe that had been wrong. I hadn’t thought of Della’s reaction to this or how she would feel.

“I guess that clears up her confusion from yesterday,” Tripp said after closing my door and walking inside.

What did he mean? “What confusion?”

Tripp shrugged and sank down onto one of the leather chairs across from my desk. Then he cocked an eyebrow. “You didn’t do anything in this chair, did you?”

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the edge of my desk. “What did you mean by that comment? What confusion?”

“The part where you dropped her like a hot potato yesterday and left her completely confused and unsure of herself. Even so, she sat around obediently in a pair of sweats and your damn hoodie all day and even slept in it.”

She had slept in my hoodie? I started to smile when the fact Tripp knew what she slept in registered in my brain and I scowled instead.

Abbi Glines's Books