Twisted Perfection (Perfection #1)(47)

“Della,” Woods breathed unsteadily.

I didn’t look up at him as I opened my mouth and slid him in my mouth until the head of his c**k brushed the back of my throat.

“Sweet, FUCK,” he cried out and his hand tugged lightly on my hair only making me more determined to drive him crazy.

I slowly ran my tongue over his sensitive flesh. His body was trembling beneath my touch and I loved it. I clamped my mouth over the head of his c**k again and took him deep then I let him completely slide out of my mouth with a pop before filling my mouth with his hard pulsing flesh again.

“Della, baby, come up here. I’m gonna come,” he gasped.

I wanted him to come. I wanted this with him. I cupped his balls in my hands and began gently kneading and squeezing them as I sucked harder on the tip of his c**k before taking it as deeply as I could until I gagged.

“Fuck, shit, oh, oh,” he groaned. He liked hearing me gag.

I did it again and his hand tightened in my hair and he threw his head back. “I’m gonna come in that pretty mouth,” he warned and I took him even deeper and let the gagging noise last longer this time before pulling back.

With a roar he held my head still as he shot his release into my mouth. I’d never let a guy do this before. But I loved it. I loved feeling his body tremble and hear his words of praise. Once I had swallowed everything I ran my tongue over the red head of his softening c**k and he grabbed me and pulled me away from him with a laugh. “You’re gonna kill me but it’s gonna be the sweetest death any man has ever known.”

I went into his arms as he wrapped me up in his embrace.

He buried his head in the curve of my neck and shoulder and let out a shaky breath. “Don’t leave me, Della.”

Those words meant more than he could ever know.


I wasn’t going to be able to get any work done today. My mind was on figuring out how to convince Della that she was moving into my house. Today. I couldn’t deal with her staying with Tripp any longer. That and the memory of my dick buried so deep down her throat that she was f**king gagging. Damn. I’d never had a blowjob like that one. It had been completely different from any other one I’d experienced.

Della hadn’t been worried about getting it over with or what was coming next. She had sucked me with complete abandon. I’d tried to stop her when she’d gagged the first time but then she’d done it again and I snapped. When I’d come in her mouth, I had been afraid I’d pushed her too far but then she’d tried to f**king suck me some more.

God. I was hard as a rock again. That one memory was going to keep me hard for the rest of my life. I had to find her. She worked the lunch shift and I had stayed hidden in here. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to control myself if I felt like she was being mistreated or if someone looked at her ass.

I headed for my truck when I saw Della standing by her car talking to Bethy who looked like she’d just gotten off work too. I loved Jace like a brother but Bethy I didn’t trust. She was a little too wild and I didn’t know if I liked the idea of her hanging around with Della. I wouldn’t put it past her to try and fix Della up with some guy. Bethy needed to know where things stood and that Della was mine.

I walked over to them and pulled Della into my arms causing her to squeal in surprise. She tilted her head back and smiled up at me. “Hey you. I didn’t see you at lunch.”

The playful look in her eyes had my already hard c**k throbbing. “I had to get some work done. I’m finished now.”

“Oh,” she said, not moving from my arms. I stepped closer to her and let her feel the proof of my arousal against her back.

“So, she is the reason you didn’t go through with the Greystone thing,” Bethy said. It wasn’t a question. She was just affirming something she’d already suspected.

“Yeah, she is.”

Bethy grinned and nodded her head. “Good. You admit it.” She looked back at Della. “Well, I don’t think anyone would mind if you brought the boss. Since he will be sidetracked with you and all it should be fine. You’re invited and so is he.”

Della nodded her head and Bethy wiggled her fingers at us in a wave before walking off.

“What was she talking about?” I asked.

Della turned around in my arms and took a step closer so my erection was brushing her stomach. Damn she was a tease. “The club staff is having a bonfire Saturday night. It’s something they do at the end of Spring Break season before the summer season hits. You wanna go?”

I knew about the staff’s bonfires. I’d had to go bail several former employees out of jail in the past from indecent exposure on the beach during one of these bonfires. I wasn’t about to let her go without me.

“If you want to go, I’ll go with you.”

She frowned. “Do you think it’s okay for them to know we’re dating? Since you’re the boss?”

I could see directly down her shirt and her generous cle**age was distracting. “It will be fine. They need to know you’re mine.”

She moved against me and mischief gleamed in her eyes.

“Della, sweetheart, unless you want to get f**ked in the nearest closet you’ll stop it.”

Della tilted her head to the side. “I like closets.”

Hell. I grabbed her hand and dragged her giggling to the back of the cart shed. pulled out my keys to unlock the supply closet. It was nice and cold in there because it was where we kept the beers for the cart girls.

Abbi Glines's Books