Twisted Perfection (Perfection #1)(40)

Tripp frowned and sat there quietly a moment.

“You two have, uh, had sex before, right? That was my understanding.”

I nodded.

“And today that didn’t happen,” he continued.

“No, he was really ready to get rid of me.”

Tripp rubbed his chin and then he shook his head. “I don’t know what the hell is up. That doesn’t sound like the guy I know.” He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “Are you okay? Did he upset you?”

I was confused and a little hurt but I was okay. I smiled. “I’m fine. Just not sure what happened. I keep thinking I did something wrong.”

Tripp reached out and tugged on the sleeve of Woods’ hoodie. “When did you get this?”

There was no way I was telling him why Woods had stuck this on me. That was too embarrassing. “Um, when he brought me here. He put it on me before sending me inside.”

Tripp had a small smile tugging on his lips. “Did he see my bike?”

I nodded.

“What did he say when he put that on you?”

“Um, he told me to go inside and put on baggy clothes.”

Tripp cackled with laughter and leaned back in his seat. Once he was done laughing he took in my sweat pants and then looked back up at me. “You did as you were told.”

I nodded again.

“He likes you. He may be a little freaked out and doing stupid shit but he likes you. The baggy clothes are because he doesn’t want me looking at you and getting any ideas. Kerrington has gone possessive. Never seen it before but it is funny as hell. I think I’ll text him that we’re going swimming and see how fast his jealous ass gets over here.”

“No, don’t! He was going to deal with his dad I think.”

Tripp grinned. “I was kidding. It’s just funny.”

He went quiet and I hated the awkward silence. However, I was relieved that he thought Woods was acting weird because he was feeling possessive towards me. Maybe it was wrong to want that but it made me feel tingly and warm.

“I guess I should plan on traveling alone when I head out.”

I wasn’t sure yet.

“That depends on when you’re leaving and if Woods really is interested in something more with me. If this is just a fling for him then I may be ready to run soon myself.”


Last night I’d woken up screaming with Tripp holding me again. It was screwing with my sleep and his. I didn’t blame him if he left soon just so he could sleep without the nightly interruptions. My eyes felt puffy from the crying I’d done this time. Sometimes the screams were mixed with sobbing. Tonight had been one of those nights. I’d spent an hour in the bathroom trying to cover up the puffy with makeup. I wasn’t sure it helped.

“Girl, I got an eight top of women who came in here requesting me or I’d take table six for you,” Jimmy said with wide eyes as he walked into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong with six?” I asked, tying my apron on.

“Not sure how much you know but Woods broke it off with that uptight Greystone heiress. My guess is daddy is pissed. Anyway, the heiress, her equally uptight mother, and Mrs. Kerrington are sitting at six. There can be nothing good about that gathering.”

Oh no. I didn’t want to deal with those three. But I didn’t have a choice. It was just Jimmy and me for the breakfast shift. We would have more help for the lunch shift.

“I’ve scared you. Shit. I’m sorry. It’s good. You didn’t piss them off, Woods did. You just serve them their food and all should be good.”

He was right. They didn’t even know I existed. Besides, I wasn’t sure what was going on with Woods. Yesterday he’d completely confused me.

“I can do it,” I assured Jimmy, taking my tray of waters out to table four.

Once I had that table served and orders taken I made my way over to table six. All three women seemed to be in deep conversation. I almost walked past them and gave them a few more moments before interrupting. But then that could piss them off and I didn’t want to add to this drama.

“Good morning,” I said in more of a squeak than a greeting. Fantastic. Mrs. Kerrington flashed an annoyed look my way. I had never met her but I recognized those dark brown eyes glaring at me. There was no mistaking that she was Woods mother.

“Sparkling water.”

“Evian with a glass of ice,” Angelina said.

“The same,” the third lady who had to be her mother informed me without looking at me.

I quickly headed to the kitchen and took a deep breath. They were just like all the other guests. No reason to panic. I fixed their drinks and went back out to serve them.

“He just needs time. He’s never been one to like being told what to do. It’s not you darling. He’s a male and he is as red blooded as they come. The boy wants to sow his wild oats.” Woods’ mother was reaching across the table patting Angelina’s hand as she said this.

“I don’t think that’s it. He truly doesn’t like me. He said that we’d be miserable together. And maybe he’s right. I want things he doesn’t. Obviously.”

Mrs. Kerrington sighed. “Yes. Well, his father is very disappointed in him. We expected him to think about something other than himself this time. But he’s a spoiled boy. He has always had his way. This is my fault of course. I should have told him no more often.”

Abbi Glines's Books