Twisted Perfection (Perfection #1)(37)

“So sweet,” he murmured against my lips. Then his attentive mouth began to tease my jawline until his open mouth pressed against my neck. The heat from his breath made my ni**les throb.

Woods moved his hand between my legs until he found the evidence of my arousal. “Already wet,” he said against my neck then suckled the skin there gently. “Do you know how incredibly sexy it is that your shorts are wet?” I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. I was holding my breath in anticipation. “I don’t think you do,” he said, continuing to kiss down my neck.

“Della, tonight wasn’t supposed to be about sex,” he said, looking up at me through lowered lashes. His mouth was so close to my cle**age I wanted to shove my chest in his face and beg. “I just needed a taste. Trouble is I forgot how intoxicating you smell. I want inside you baby. Right here. I want to rip these shorts off your body and slide deep inside you.” I was ready to agree to anything if he’d just touch me some more. A small whimper escaped me and I didn’t even care that I was showing him how weak and needy I was.

“Are you hurting?” he asked as he reached up and tugged the front of my shirt down and then my bra until both my br**sts were free. “I’m a tit man and these titties are like f**king nirvana. So round and soft.” He pressed a kiss to one of my pebbled up ni**les and then stuck his tongue out and ran it slowly over the tip. “Perfect little round cherries. Meant to be sucked on,” he whispered before pulling it into his mouth and doing just that. I couldn’t keep myself from grabbing his head desperately and holding him there. I didn’t want him to stop. I could feel it all the way down between my legs. Each tug of my nipple had delicious waves of pleasure rolling through me. Woods hand slipped into the front of my shorts and I lifted my hips to give him better access. He covered my smooth mound and groaned when his finger found my slick heat. I was soaked and any other time I would care. Right now I just needed more.

Two of his fingers found my swollen clit and began to rub it in a steady rhythm matching the sucking his mouth was doing on my nipple. He pulled his head back and moved from one breast to the other. That was as far as I was letting his head move away.

The magic that only Woods seemed to be able to cause started to build and I spread my thighs wider. He pinched down on my clit at the same time he bit my nipple and the bliss I had been expecting exploded around me. I pulled his hair and screamed his name while my whole body shook from the violent orgasm.

“Ah, God,” he gasped and wrapped his arms around my body holding me against his chest. I collapsed against him. Woods breathing was as heavy as my own and I let go of the handfuls of his hair I still had in my grasp.

“I’m sorry,” I managed to croak out.

“For what?” Woods asked with his mouth pressed against my neck.

“Pulling your hair.”

A soft chuckle vibrated his body and he licked at tender flesh he’d nibbled on earlier. “Don’t be. That was hot. So f**king hot. Anytime you want to pull my hair while you’re screaming my name, go right ahead.”

I felt his erection jerk underneath me and my throbbing well-pleased body jumped in response. We weren’t finished. That had just been an appetizer. I rocked my hips against him savoring the pleasant pain it created. Woods’ hands clamped down on my hips and held me still. “Don’t.”

I froze. Was I hurting him?

He sucked in a breath then picked me up and eased me off him. Maybe I had been too loud out here and he was going to move us inside.

“I’ve got some work to do. I should take you home.”

What? Home? Huh? I sat there as he stood up and adjusted himself before picking up our wine glasses. I hadn’t moved to follow him. I was still processing what was happening.

He glanced down at me and what looked like a wince crossed his face. Before I could ask what was wrong he set the glasses down and reached down to pull my bra and shirt back into place then he took my hand and pulled me up.

“I have to take you back,” was all he said before grabbing the wine glasses and walking inside.

Like someone on autopilot I followed him. He put both our glasses on his bar and then grabbed his keys. He glanced back at me and smiled then nodded his head toward the door.

We were really leaving. Okay. My stomach felt sick. I’d done something wrong. Had he seen how much I craved his touch? Did that scare him? It scared me that I wanted him to touch me so badly. It scared me that he made me feel comfort in ways no one else had ever been able to. I was willing to do anything to make him want to be close to me longer. Going back to the condo only meant another night ahead with dreams I wanted to escape. Memories that controlled me. I wanted what Woods could give me. But I wouldn’t be getting that. He was getting rid of me.


Once I got her safely in my truck, I had planned on explaining. The confusion in her big blue eyes had been obvious. But every time I tried to I couldn’t think of a way to say it without scaring her off.

I was also afraid she might argue with me and all it was going to take to get me to snap was one little pleading look from her. My c**k was still throbbing painfully and the fact I knew she wasn’t wearing any damn panties and she was soaking wet from that orgasm I’d given her was only making me harder.

Throwing her on my bed and f**king her until I had her screaming my name again and telling me that her tight little pu**y was mine had been the only thing I could think about while I touched her.

Abbi Glines's Books