Three Broken Promises (One Week Girlfriend #3)(80)
“You really want to marry me?”
“I’d do anything for you,” I vow solemnly. “Haven’t you realize that yet?”
“I have.” Smiling, she kisses me, wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing me close. “I love you so much, Colin Wilder.”
“I love you too, Jennifer Lynn Cade.” I slip my hand up, curving my fingers around her neck, lightly tracing the butterfly tattoo that I’ve touched hundreds of times before. A shiver moves through her and I smile.
Her smile grows. “Remember that time you woke me up and called me sweet cheeks?”
“Hell yeah.” My voice goes soft and my body goes hard as I nuzzle the side of her face. “You do have a pretty sweet pair of cheeks, you know.”
“So do you,” she whispers. “Maybe you should go settle those sweet cheeks of yours on the desk so we can fool around on top of it.”
I raise my brows. “Fool around, you say?” That sounds promising.
Of course, anytime I can be with her, naked and alone, is promising. The more we’re together, the better it gets. Something I believed wasn’t possible.
Slowly she nods. “Yeah. Though, hmm.” Pulling out of my embrace, she turns and studies the desk, tapping her pursed lips with her index finger. I let my greedy gaze roam the length of her, taking in the crisp white shirt, the sexy-as-hell black skirt that fits her body like a glove. Just looking at her makes me break out in a sweat.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, sweet cheeks?” I ask her, my voice gruff, my body tight.
She glances over her shoulder at me, her eyes sultry and full of want. “If you’re thinking of bending me over the desk and testing its strength, then yes. I’m most definitely thinking what you’re thinking.”
Damn, she’s a mind reader. “Then let’s go test it out, baby.” Cupping her ass with both of my hands, I press against her and guide her toward the desk, where I proceed to strip her and spread her out like my own personal feast.
Making her mine.