Three Broken Promises (One Week Girlfriend #3)(78)
“He’s scoping out a table with Owen.” Fable stands straighter, her expression going serious. “Thanks for giving me the night off and letting us come for the opening tonight, Colin, and for hiring Owen part-time. He’s so excited to start working at the restaurant he can barely stand it.”
Colin hired Owen as a busboy. He’ll start after the football season ends, right when the busy holiday season starts. He’s applied for a work license and everything, taking his first real job very seriously. Fable is so happy she can hardly stand it. She’s trying so hard to keep her brother on track, as is Drew.
I love that Colin wants to help them out too. He’s careful, though, never wanting to offend Fable since she can be kinda prickly when it comes to so-called handouts.
No wonder we’re such good friends.
He likes Owen a lot and is confident he’ll be a great worker, and so am I. All five of us have hung out together more than once. Colin and I have invited all three of them over for dinner. Drew and Colin seem to be getting along well too, which I think is awesome. Fable, Drew, and Owen—they all feel like they’re a part of my family.
So does Colin, but he’s always felt like family to me. Now we’ve taken it that much more seriously . . .
He’s become my everything.
“I’m gonna put that brother of yours to work,” Colin promises Fable, his arm lowering to slide around my waist. He pulls me in so I’m nestled at his side. We’re a perfect fit and I gaze up at him adoringly. “I know he can handle it, though.”
Fable nods and smiles, her gaze going from me to Colin. “You two are so damn cute together. Took you long enough.”
“I’m pretty sure you’ve already said that to us,” I remind her wryly.
“And it needs to be said a few more times, I think.” She steps toward us both and kisses my cheek, then Colin’s. “I gotta go find my men. I’ll talk to you later, Jen?”
“I’ll need you to rescue me, yeah,” I say as she waves at us and then walks away.
“She’s a good friend,” Colin says close to my ear.
I nod, smiling up at him. “The best. But so are you.”
He kisses me, like he can’t help it. “Right back at ya, baby.”
Warmth suffuses me, his love taking hold and giving me the courage I need to keep on top of this night, on the most important day of my career. “I need to go manage the front entry,” I tell him, kissing his cheek. “Wish me luck?”
“No.” He drops a kiss on the tip of my nose as I glare at him. “You don’t need it. You got this and you know it.”
I love his confidence in me. I freaking need it, especially right now. I’m a wreck. “I’m nervous,” I whisper. “So thank you for that.”
“Anytime, babe. You know I’ve got your back.” He hugs me, his mouth at my ear, nibbling on it. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too.” My heart swells, and the nausea that plagued me the last hour or so evaporates completely.
Having this man by my side, I’m the luckiest girl in the world.
I watch her move about the restaurant, handling everything with calm efficiency, and pride ripples through me. She greets everyone who enters the door with a warm smile and introduces herself to the chamber of commerce members we invited for The District’s grand opening.
The parking lot is full, yet the people keep on coming. A local radio station set up outside, broadcasting live and encouraging their listeners to come and check us out. Every table is occupied, the bar is at full capacity, and the front lobby has so many people waiting to be seated they spill outside, waiting on benches, their kids dancing to the top-forty music the radio station is playing.
It’s a rousing success, all thanks to Jen. I wanted her to stay here in Redding permanently, more than willing to sacrifice and endure a long-distance relationship so she could take on this management position. She’s so damn good at it, I’m afraid the guy I have lined up to replace her won’t measure up.
Of course, no one can measure up to my Jen.
She refused, though. Simply told me she couldn’t stand to be that far away from me. She loves me too damn much and didn’t want us to be apart.
How can I refuse her?
“Hello, son.”
My spine stiffens, and I slowly turn around to find my dad standing before me.
“Hey,” I greet him weakly, giving him a quick hug. “How are you?”
“I’m good. Look at you, all dressed up. Quite the restaurant you have here. Looks good.”
“Thanks.” He drives me crazy, but I can’t help but be proud at his meager compliment. He took his father’s restaurant and turned it into something more. And I’ve gone and done the same, over and over again. I want him to be proud of me. Despite our tangled past, I’m still the kid who wants his dad’s approval.
I’m also pleased he showed up. I’d extended the invitation out of courtesy, never believing he’d actually come.
“Kind of surprised you came,” I say, immediately feeling like a jackass for saying it.
“Well, you did invite me,” Dad reminds me. “And I’m never one to pass up a free meal.”
I laugh. Thank God he relieved the tension.
“I saw your Jenny.”