Three Broken Promises (One Week Girlfriend #3)(75)
She eyes him warily before her gaze goes to mine. “Are you only wearing your underwear?”
I glance down. I’m wearing an oversized T-shirt that once belonged to Danny and it hits me almost at my knees, it’s so huge. “Am I asking for him to jump me because of what I’m wearing?”
Her eyes narrow as she continues to contemplate me. “No bra either, huh.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I chance a look at Roger. His expression is smug, confident. Asshole! “I was asleep, Angela. I wake up and he’s lying on top of me, trying to kiss me!”
“Liar,” Roger murmurs. “You were begging for it, your hands all over me. You said you wanted to suck my . . .”
“Shut up! Stop it!” Angela screams, placing her hands over her ears, again reminding me of a little kid. “You need to go, Jen. I can’t have you living here.”
“Wait . . . what?” Did she really just say that?
Her expression is full of remorse as she drops her hands to her sides. “You’ll tempt him. Roger . . . he’s a recovering sex addict.”
Recovering, my ass! Does she really believe that? “Angela, he said he’s done this sort of thing before and that you always believe him.”
“It has happened before. He’s in therapy now.” She slowly shakes her head. “I’d hoped he was healed, but I guess not. It doesn’t help, how you’re dressed.”
“How am I dressed inappropriately?” I jump to my feet, the blanket falling away from my body and onto the floor. “Look at me!”
“Yes, look at you.” She’s wearing pajama pants and a matching top, completely covered from head to toe. I can tell she’s wearing a bra and her feet are covered in socks.
“I can see your legs—and your chest through your shirt. It’s totally inappropriate.” She actually has the nerve to shudder. “You need to go. I can’t have you as a roommate. Roger can’t handle it, so neither can I.”
Funny, how Roger has clammed up completely. “I’ll leave first thing tomorrow,” I say firmly, ignoring the panic that fills me yet again.
Where will I go? Where will I stay? I can’t keep doing this.
“No.” She drags the word out, dropping her head so she’s not looking at me. “You need to leave. Right now.”
“But . . . where will I go?” My voice is small. I sound pitiful. I feel pitiful.
Kicked out yet again.
“That’s not my problem now, is it?” She looks to Roger, who’s standing right next to her. “We’ll stay in the bedroom so we won’t get in your way, but I’m going to have to ask you to pack your stuff and leave.”
“What about my deposit?” My head is spinning so fast I’m getting dizzy. I fall heavily onto the couch, trying to breathe through the uncontrollable shivers racking my body. “I need that money.”
“Nonrefundable. Didn’t you read the fine print?” She sighs, as if she’s the one who’s being put out on the street. “I’m sorry this didn’t work out, Jen. I had high hopes.”
I don’t say a word. I’m afraid if I open my mouth, the insults will start flying and I won’t be able to stop them. I’ll end up calling her every horrible name I can come up with and she might kick me out without my stuff. Now that would suck.
So I remain quiet, looking up just as I see Roger trail behind her down the hall toward her bedroom. He turns to look at me after Angela has slipped inside her room, his glittering eyes full of hate and lust. He flicks his tongue at me in a dirty gesture and I give him the finger, making him laugh just before he slams the door.
Jumping at the sound, I wrap my arms around me to ward off the chills. I guess Roger was right in what he said earlier.
I’m completely f**ked.
Somehow, some way, my dad got the name and address of Jen’s new roommate within a few hours, just like I asked. I didn’t question how he did it. Didn’t really want to know, truthfully. My dad’s always had a bit of a devious, criminal streak running through him. He knows some shady characters. Gangster types the average person wouldn’t dare associate with.
But my dad isn’t the average person. He doesn’t give a shit. He actually believes having “those sorts of people”—his quote, not mine—in his back pocket is a good thing.
I gladly handed over that twenty-five-thousand-dollar check to him, relief flooding me when he gave me the name and address on a slip of paper. I stuffed it in my jeans pocket and took off for Sacramento, letting Fable know I knew where Jen was before I left. Not caring that it was late at night or that it would take me hours to get there.
I need to get to Jen. I have to find her. There’s no way I’m leaving that place without her. We belong together. And if it takes me hours to convince her of that, then I’ll do it. I’m that determined to make her mine.
The drive was easy since it was the middle of the night and traffic was light. I find the street Angela Blackburn’s apartment complex is on quickly, thanks to Siri on my phone. I’m cruising it slowly, looking for the address and complex name, when the beams from my headlights land on a tall, slender figure walking along the sidewalk, pulling a giant black suitcase behind her.
My heart lurches in my chest and I pull over fast, rolling down the passenger-side window as I follow along beside her. She picks up her pace, her head averted, like she’s afraid to look at me. Probably thinks I’m some sort of creep stalking her in the middle of the night, not that I can blame her.