Tempted by Her Innocent Kiss (Pregnancy & Passion #3)(27)

He strode out of the room and Ashley lay there a moment mentally recovering from what felt like a barrage of emotional turmoil. Finally she pushed herself upward and sat cross-legged on the bed, with pillows pushed behind her back to keep her propped up.

Devon returned with the rolling table and parked it at the end of the bed. As soon as he uncovered the bowl of soup, the aroma wafted through the air and her mouth watered. On cue, her stomach protested sharply and sweat broke out on her forehead.

“You okay?” Devon asked as he positioned the tray in front of her.

His gaze was focused sharply on her face, his forehead creased with concern. She nodded and reached for the napkin and utensils with shaking hands.

When she would have slid the bowl closer, Devon gently took her hand away.

“Perhaps it would be better if I ladled the soup into a mug so you could sip at it. Less chance of spilling it that way.”

She nodded her agreement and watched as he filled one of the cups on the table with the delicious-smelling broth.

“Here. Careful now, it’s hot.”

She brought the steaming mug to her lips and inhaled, closing her eyes as she tentatively took the first sip.

It was heaven in a coffee cup. The warmth from the soup traveled all the way down to her stomach and settled there comfortably.

“Good?” he asked as he edged his way onto the bed beside her.


He watched as she downed a significant amount of the soup and then he took her medicine bottle from the nightstand and shook out another pill.

“Here. Take this. Once you’re finished you can lie down and hopefully sleep until morning. I’ll wake you up in time to catch the flight. Don’t worry about your things. I’ll lay out something for you to wear on the plane and I’ll pack everything else and have it all ready to go. All you’ll have to do is get dressed and head out to the car when it’s time.”

Even though she was still devastated and angry, she couldn’t be so much of a bitch not to recognize or acknowledge that he was taking absolute care of her.

She leaned back against the pillows, cup in hand, and glanced his way.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

A flash of pain entered his eyes. “I know you don’t believe this right now, but maybe in time you will, Ash. I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted this to happen. I wouldn’t have hurt you for the world.”

She swallowed and brought the rim of the cup back to her lips. There wasn’t much she could say to that. She did believe that he wasn’t malicious. If she hadn’t discovered the truth on her own, maybe he would have never told her. She was quite certain he wouldn’t have. Maybe he thought he was doing her a favor by keeping it from her.

He pulled the mug away and then cupped her chin and gently turned her until she looked back at him.

“You’ll see, Ash. We’ll make this work.”

She nodded as she lowered the mug the rest of the way down to the tray in front of her.

“I’ll try, Devon. I’ll try.”

He leaned toward her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Get some rest. I’ll wake you in the morning.”


The next morning was a total blur for Ashley. Devon gently woke her and after ascertaining that her headache wasn’t better, he arranged a light breakfast, hovered over her while she ate and then all but dressed her and whisked her into a waiting car.

They drove to the airport and once on the plane, he settled her into her seat and gave her another pill. He propped a pillow behind her head, put a blanket over her and then made sure every single window was shut around her.

She drifted into blissful unawareness as the airplane left the island and traveled back to the cold of New York City.

When they landed, once again Devon ushered her into a waiting car, taking the blanket and pillow with them so she was comfortable in the backseat. She dozed with her head on his shoulder until they reached his apartment and then he gently shook her awake.

“We’re home, Ash. Wait inside the car while I get out. I’ll help you inside.”

Home. She blinked as the looming building floated into her vision through the fogged window of the car. A cold rush of air blew over her as Devon stepped out. He spoke a moment with the doorman and then he reached back in to help her out.

“Careful,” he cautioned as she stepped onto the curb.

He wrapped an arm around her and guided her to the door the doorman held open for them. Once inside, he didn’t loosen his hold. He kept her close all the way up in the elevator until they reached his apartment. Their apartment. It was hard to keep that distinction in her mind.

Their home was already cluttered with her things. She’d moved completely in before the wedding. Devon had suggested having a cleaning lady come in which said to her that he didn’t appreciate the somewhat careless way she kept her stuff. She sighed. One more thing she’d have to work on.

When they entered the bedroom, Devon pulled out one of his workout T-shirts and tossed it onto the bed. “Why don’t you get out of your travel clothes and into something more comfortable. I’ll wake you for dinner so you eat something.”

“I’d rather just lie down on the couch,” she said, reaching for the T-shirt.

His expression darkened and for a moment she couldn’t imagine what she’d done to draw his disapproval. Then it struck her that he assumed she wouldn’t be sleeping in his—their—bed.

Maya Banks's Books