Redwood Bend (Virgin River #18)(74)

“Just a couple of guys from army days. We haven’t been that good about staying in touch but every time we touch base, it’s like yesterday. You know what I mean?”

“I have a few like that,” Jack said. “They lifers like you?”

“No, short timers. Both were pilots, both got out at the first chance. One of ’em had some family store or something up in Oregon. The other one had a little bit of trouble in the army and our favorite uncle pretty much asked him to leave. Trouble of the disciplinary sort, if you get my drift.”

Jack laughed. “Have one or two of those, too,” he said. “Hunters?”

“As it happens both of them love to hunt. Fortunately for me, since I’m full of hunters during the season, it turned out the only time we could all get together was right before the season opens. We’ll get in some fishing at least. But I’d put these two in the house if I had to. They’re good guys.”

“Let us know when you expect them and maybe we can round up a poker game or something,” Jack suggested.

“Deal us in,” Luke said, finishing his beer. “How’s my tab these days?”

“I think you owe me a great deal of money.”

“See you later,” he said with a laugh, putting a couple of bills on the bar.

He’d only been out the door a minute when he was right back inside.

“Wait till you see what just pulled up outside,” Luke said from the door. “I think it’s a limousine.”

“In Virgin River?” Jack asked. He came around the bar and went to the door and sitting in front of the bar was an oversize, cream-colored town car trimmed in gold with a driver in a black suit holding the back passenger door open.

“That a limousine?” Luke asked.

“Sort of. Not really,” Jack said. “Fancy town car with a chauffeur.”

A small woman got out of the car. Even Jack could tell she was dressed to the nines but he couldn’t guess her age. Older than she looked by the way she moved, he thought. Her short hair was blond but almost gray; her face was soft and smooth-looking but had a look of experience, especially around the eyes. She walked to the base of the porch and asked, “Are you the proprietor, sir?”

He gave a slight bow, then stepped down from the porch to meet her on equal ground. The little thing was probably five foot one in her shoes. “I’m Jack Sheridan, ma’am, and this is my bar.”

“Charming little place,” she said with a smile. Her teeth were perfect and healthy. “I bet you have a wonderful time!”

“Just a simple place, ma’am. Would you like to come inside?”

“I’m going to have to make it another time. I’m looking for my grandson and perhaps you know where I might find him. His name is Dylan Childress and I believe he was last seen around here.”

“I know Dylan,” Jack said. “I bet you’ll find him at his lady friend’s cabin. In fact, it’s my cabin which I lease to his lady friend and chances are—”

“Ah, yes, the lady friend,” she said with a tilt of her head. “I heard there was a lady friend, but we haven’t met.”

“He’s been seen around with Katie Malone,” Jack said. “She’s a newcomer here, but we love her already.”

“What a nice recommendation. Can you tell Randy how to get to that cabin?” And she nodded over her shoulder to her driver. On that signal alone, he stepped forward.

“Easy enough,” Jack said. “Go back out 36 almost exactly two miles. Right turn at a dirt road…not the best road, either. Go about two and a half miles back up the mountain until you come to a mailbox and newspaper drop. Take a left down the drive right up to the house. It’s a small A-frame in a large clearing. Dylan and Katie’s brother erected a jungle gym in the clearing for her kids and there are a couple of Adirondack chairs on the porch.”

Randy nodded but the lady looked surprised. “She has a family?”

“Twin boys, five years old. I didn’t catch the name, ma’am.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, how rude of me! Adele Childress and please, just call me Adele. It appears as if I’ll have to enjoy your public house another time, Jack. Right now I’d like to see Dylan.”

“But I want your promise that you’ll be back,” Jack said good-naturedly.

“Absolutely! It looks charming.”

And then she let Randy help her back into the car. In a moment, they were pulling out of town.

Luke whistled. “You don’t see that every day.”

“No shit,” Jack said.

“You aren’t going to call him, are you?”

“I should,” Jack said. “I have a feeling this will come as a surprise. If he’d been expecting her, Randy wouldn’t have needed directions.”

“Yeah, but don’t,” Luke said with a decidedly evil grin. “I mean, come on. Can’t we have a little fun?”

“Give it up—you won’t be there to see it. Think of Dylan!”

“Yeah, who is Dylan?” Luke asked.

“The grandson of Randy’s boss!” Jack said, heading back into the bar.

Dylan was just a little self-conscious about how easy it was to chill him out. A little romp in the sack with Katie and all his rough edges and worries were smooth and soft. But he was only a little embarrassed by that because he was cognizant of how simple it was to soothe him, and no one had ever soothed him like Katie could. Suddenly all the problems and complications of the earlier days seemed unimportant. As he sat on the porch watching the boys on the play set, feet up on the rail, hat tilted over his eyes, he thought, Nice—I have a woman with my bun in her oven, she loves me, she’s going to keep me on the right path.

Robyn Carr's Books