Redwood Bend (Virgin River #18)(78)

Adele looked pointedly at Muriel, frowning. “We’ve taken some rather long road trips. Apparently I’ve been flapping my jaw to a person with a dangerous memory.”

Muriel just laughed. “Take it easy, Adele. You’re among friends.”

“Then I hope you won’t mind if we stay among friends for a while. Just a few days. Long enough for me to try to crack that nut I half raised.”

“You stay as long as you like. Weeks if you need to. It’s not fancy, but it’s very comfortable.”

“Groaning like that was rude,” Katie chastised.

“Shhh,” he whispered, kissing her. “Talk later…”

Adele hadn’t overstayed her welcome that first visit. She had Randy take her to her friend’s home where she’d be staying, Dylan made a spaghetti dinner with garlic bread, the boys showered, watched some TV in the loft, then were tucked in. Then Dylan tucked Katie in.

“Don’t go to sleep until we talk,” she insisted.

“I’ll be awake awhile,” he murmured, kissing his way down her neck. “Katie, have you noticed what happened to your boobs?” He held them in the palms of his hands. “They’re magnificent!”

“They’re temporary,” she said. “And sore.”

“Does this hurt?” he asked, gently kissing them.

“No. Thank you for being sweet to them. They’re…” She felt her panties sliding downward and Dylan’s fingers where there had been silk. “Oh, God…” And then his hands were again on her br**sts, tender and soft, and something else was where the silk had been. “Dylan…” she whispered.

“Yeah, baby?” he asked, probing. “You want something?”

“You. I want you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Hmm. Sure. Any day now…”

He laughed and then covered her mouth with his just as he slid into her. He held her still, filling her. He moved a little, carefully, slowly.

“Don’t tease me,” she whispered.

“Easy,” he said. “Let’s go easy. I don’t want to disturb anything…”

“You’re going to disturb me,” she said. “Come on…”

He seemed to consider this for a moment. Then he grabbed her behind the knees, bent her legs to take him deeper, licked a taut nipple before latching on to it for a solid fit, and he pumped his hips. She threaded her fingers into his hair to hold him against her breast, dug her heels into the mattress to push against him, moving with him. She began to moan and cry out his name and his hand came up to gently cover her mouth. The boys were sound asleep and the door was locked, but still… He slipped the other hand down between their bodies and had barely made contact with that erogenous button when she blew apart, shattered, pushing against him for a moment as everything inside her clenched around him in hot spasms.

And he went with her, coming so hard and long he thought he might’ve lost consciousness for a second or two. When it let up, he let her nipple slide out of his mouth and he rested his head there on her swollen, tender breast, panting.

She laughed softly and began to run her fingers through his hair. “That’s more like it,” she whispered.

He lifted his head. “You’re a very demanding woman.”

“I’m so sorry,” she apologized with a big smile and very sleepy eyes. She was limp as a dishrag. Happy. And not sorry in the least.

He brushed the hair away from her face. “It’s a good thing I didn’t know about this unprotected sex business before now,” he said. “We’ll have to try something that has no latex in the equation after the baby.”

She didn’t open her eyes, but she smiled. “That sounds suspiciously like plans, Dylan. Could you possibly be a little excited?”

“Oh, sure, a little. And a lot terrified.”

“That’s understandable.” She opened her eyes. “You have to tell Adele.”

“I will when I’m ready. I love Adele, but she can’t just show up uninvited and throw her weight around.”

“But you love her,” Katie said. “And she might look like a million bucks, but she’s not that young.”

“She’ll be dancing on my grave,” Dylan said.

“She’s going to have a great-grandchild. My guess is she didn’t think she ever would. Tell her.”

“I’ll tell her when I’m ready,” he said.


Dylan wanted to languish in bed with Katie, but he was up, putting on the coffee she wasn’t drinking these days. His first overnight in her house, she had been the first one up, dressed, making coffee, greeting the day. But that probably had been the night he put the curse of sleepiness and morning sickness on her.

The cabin was very quiet and he didn’t put on his boots. He wanted Katie to sleep as long as possible. When the coffee was brewed, he took a cup outside to the porch. He moved quietly in his stocking feet; there was a little movement in the trees at the edge of the clearing and he spied a fawn, nibbling at the grass under a tree. This was so like home....

He remembered how shell-shocked he’d been when Adele had yanked him out of his mother’s eight-thousand-square-foot house and toted him off to parts unknown. Adele had had a maid help pack two suitcases… Dylan had never traveled with so little. Adele had said to Cherise, “The boy’s in trouble. My son is deceased, you’re filming in Sri Lanka for the next six months, there’s no one but staff to look after him and his best friend is dead…do yourself a favor—don’t argue with me. Give me a chance. I failed his father, maybe I won’t fail him…”

Robyn Carr's Books