Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(85)

With every stride, her new wolf gained confidence in her control. Still, no one was more surprised than Kira when she caught up to Jax, gathered herself and leaped, and took him to the ground. They landed in a heap, his breath rushing out in an umph. Rolling, pulling her upper half onto his chest, he started laughing in pure joy. It was impossible not to be affected, and she licked his cheek.

"Not afraid anymore, are you?"

Hesitating, she realized she wasn't. Still a bit overwhelmed, but not scared. Because her mate was here, and he'd take care of her. She shook her head and he smiled.

"Good. Now, watch this." Slowly, he stripped off his clothes and then . . . he shifted. A handsome wolf, larger than her, stepped forward and greeted her, licking her muzzle.

You're gorgeous, my pretty mate.

Stunned, she blinked at Jax. You can hear me?

Loud and clear! Cool, huh? I guess Ryon isn't the only one who can do this after all-mates can!

She thought about that. Yeah, it's cool. Wonder if we can do this in human form.

I think so. We'll try it. Are you still in pain?

Not anymore. How do I change back?

Later. Let's run first!

But . . . you don't have your abilities back.

I do now-or at least I can shift. I think it was tied to you somehow. I felt my wolf return when you changed.

What about the Timebending thing?

Don't know. I can't feel it, though. Unconcerned, he ran around her, nipping at her flank and dancing around.

Watch it, buddy. I'll bite back.

That might be sort of fun, he teased.

He took off and she raced after him, surprising herself with the happy bark that came out in place of a laugh. Too frigging weird!

She tried to keep up with him, but started to fall behind. Running on four legs for a prolonged period was going to take some adjustment, and his stride was quite a bit longer than hers. She managed pretty well, leaping over rotting logs and dodging trees, but winced when she occasionally hit a sharp pebble in the trail that hurt her paws. Those would need some toughening up.

At one point, he glanced behind to see her struggling and stopped, waiting for her to catch up. When she did, he greeted her with affectionate licks to her muzzle-canine kisses. Nice, but strange.

When they started off again, he slowed to stay beside her, keeping their pace at more of a leisurely trot. Now she had the opportunity to marvel at how her senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells, all made much more sharp and clear because of her new status as a shifter.

It was like she could see each leaf on the bushes and trees. Smells hit her nose, those of other animals who'd been this way, or were hiding nearby. Her wolf half catalogued them for future reference, and she knew she'd recognize each of them again when she encountered them.

They reached Jax's spot by the stream, which she thought of as theirs, and took a long drink. Afterward, she stared at her reflection. A wolf with blue eyes and creamy fur tipped in black and silver stared back at her, pretty enough to be on any nature postcard.

See? I told you. His voice in her head was so happy. Proud. You're stunning.

Thank you. You're awfully handsome yourself. Sidling close to him, she nuzzled his face. This is amazing.

And the best part is, I never have to be alone again.

You've had your friends, your pack.

It's not the same as a mate.

I suppose it wouldn't be. Neither of us will be alone.

It struck her how fortunate she was to have Jax to help her through the transition. He'd been alone, no one to ease his fears the way he'd done for her. It made her love him even more.

Suddenly, he shifted and was a man again. An extremely sexy man kneeling by the stream, stroking her soft fur in wonder. Can you hear me now?

Yes! Guess it works.

"Good," he said aloud. "Shift back for me, baby."

A ripple of fear went through her. How?

"Focus all your thoughts on your human form. Imagine your limbs reshaping, reversing the process."

Will it hurt as bad as before? Because I don't want to do that again.

"No, it shouldn't. And it gets easier every time. Trust me."

Okay. She concentrated hard, but nothing happened.

"You're too tense. Relax."

It took several more tries, and then without warning, it worked. The process began, her limbs, torso, and face morphing in reverse. She cried out, dismayed that it was nearly as painful as the first shift, her bones feeling as if they were being ground into dust. Pulling her into his lap, he held on, murmuring soft words of encouragement until she was herself again. Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs and the pain gradually dissipated. After a while she became aware that she was a very naked woman being held tightly by her equally buck naked and horny mate. His erection pressed against her rear.

"Thank you," she said hoarsely. Eyes wide, she felt her arms and legs.

"Everything is back to normal. You did great, angel." Worry clouded his expression again. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Much better," she assured him, cupping his face. "I'm so glad you were with me when it happened."

"Me, too." Moving in, he kissed her soundly, urging her back onto the spongy loam.

She pulled him down with her, spreading her thighs, beckoning him inside. "Here," she whispered. "Right where you made me yours."

J.D. Tyler's Books