Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(81)

"You are naked, in case you forgot."

Fortunately, he responded to the tease. "Oh, my God! You're right. What're we gonna do about that?" Playfully, he got on his hands and knees and stalked her.

"I haven't the foggiest." Giggling, she began to inch backward. "Hey, you're bullet wound is healed! I guess that means something good came from bonding, huh?"

"It means I'm in good enough shape to stalk my mate."

He leaped, and she jumped up with a squeal, trying to run. She couldn't get away, though. Even without his abilities, he was still faster and stronger than she was. He easily caught her, spinning them around, and took them both to the ground.

He turned, taking the brunt of the fall, giving her a cushion for the landing. And she had to admit, she didn't mind landing on him at all.

"I'm your captive-now what will you do with me?"

He smiled, his canines oddly normal. "I'm sure I'll think of something."

Chapter Fifteen

"Did you mean it when you called the compound home?"


Kira didn't even look away from the TV as she munched on her popcorn, and Jax couldn't help the swell of love that blossomed in his chest, leaving little room for anything or anyone else. The little imp had gotten most of the team hooked on watching that ghost-hunting reality show. Even Sariel was sitting cross-legged on the floor with his wings draped around himself, eyes wide, fixated as though he'd never seen anything so fascinating.

"I said, is this home to you? That's what you called it the other night, when we were returning from the rescue."

"Did I?" She looked at him thoughtfully. "Of course I meant it. Why?"

He shrugged. "I was thinking you might want to move out and get our own house someday. I'm not required to live here. It's just easier."

Her eyes softened. "Honey, I don't care where we live. Home is wherever you are."

"Aww." He tweaked her nose.

"Oh, gag me," Aric snarked, but without much heat.

"Shut up, dickless. You're just jealous."

"Hey, I can get my knob polished anytime I want-without the ball and chain hanging on my ankle."

"Okay, boys, don't get started," Kira scolded with a frown. "I'm trying to watch this."

Jax and his friend made a face at each other over her head, and then he went back to his favorite pastime of studying his new mate. Was it his imagination, or did she have this really healthy glow surrounding her? He liked her pale blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, her cute nose, her little feet. He especially liked the mark of his canines at the curve of her neck, the two small punctures having made a faint, permanent scar in the four days since they'd bonded.

"Quit staring at me," she muttered, crunching more popcorn.

"Why? I love looking at you."

"You're giving me a complex."

"A good one, I hope."

"Is there such a thing as a good complex?" Exasperated, she plopped the bowl down on her lap and opened her mouth, most likely to give him hell, when Nick's voice broke in over the building's intercom.

"Alpha Pack, Kalen, Kira, and A.J., to the meeting room, stat."

"Goddamn," Aric grumbled. "The show's only half over. What's so freakin' important it can't wait until tomorrow? Can I move out and get my own place?"

"I'll help ya," Ryon quipped.

Jax didn't blame his friend for being pissed. Most folks didn't live at work twenty-four-seven and had no idea how annoying it was to be on call day and night. With an assortment of curses and rumbles, everyone rose except the Fae prince, Chup asleep in his lap, who waved them off without looking up from the TV.

Setting aside her bowl and giving the program a look of regret, she fell into step beside Jax for the short walk to the meeting room. When they trooped in, Nick was already waiting, as were Melina and Mac. That and the late hour could only mean some news was breaking, classified as "need to know ASAP." The team's lazy demeanor rolled off like oil on wax paper, and they took their seats, completely alert and professional. Not one complaint passed anyone's lips; they'd already voiced them all.

"I appreciate you all being so prompt and giving up part of your evening," Nick began. "You know I wouldn't interrupt unless it was extremely important. Dr. Mallory and Dr. Grant report that it appears our two rescued shifters will survive. One of them finally awakened a short while ago and is talking. What we've learned from him is the reason I've called you here." He paused before continuing. Jax and some of the others exchanged glances, but no one spoke.

"The shifter who's awake is a jaguar named Beck. He told us the other guy is an eagle named Archer who'd been held captive longer than him or any of the others, as far as he knows. He also said there were other captives who were moved a day or so before we arrived, but he's not sure exactly when because there was no way for them to measure time."

Zan spoke up. "How many and who were they?"

"According to Beck, three were moved. Two humans and another shifter." He took a deep breath. "I don't want you guys to get your hopes up, but . . . the shifter's name was Micah."

"Christ," Jax breathed.

J.D. Tyler's Books